Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marijuana Part 3 The Myth of Prohibition

Friends, I write this now in the wake of news that our esteemed sheriff, Maggie Mims( Fresno, Ca.) has testified to the U.S. Senate regarding her personal beliefs relating to medical marijuana, and the locations where that product is grown. As expected, her continued consumption of federal government funding in the "War on Drugs", is taking precedence over her sworn duty to uphold the laws of CALIFORNIA.

Clearly she's not alone, all over the country we have elected "self servants" who will do anything to protect their current funding, while attempting to garner more. NO one regardless of political affiliation, can stand in public with a straight face, and claim that by any measure the prohibition of any drug has been successful. Instead what we have is an escalating attack on a law that we Californians voted for by the very people sworn to uphold this particular law. Can you say conflict of interest?

America if we're to be taken seriously by our friends and neighbors in the world, and even our enemies; it is incumbent upon our government to operate in the real world. In the real world, the "War on Drugs" is an utter failure, a sinkhole in which we pour more money than we allocate to welfare, veterans care, and education combined. Where would we be now with regard to public debt had we invested those resources in education rather than a never ending trough filling exercise?

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