Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ACLU vs. Fresno City, County, Stupidity

To paraphrase Gomer Pyle: "Welll gaawwleee, as if a blind man didn't see this a comin'..."
If you know Fresno, the way I know Fresno, then you know Gomer's a perfect metaphor for this backward looking, 19th century agro slave camp.

People so thoroughly imbued with the governments War on Drugs Kool Aid campaign, that they can't see the truth for the haze of hate they've helped perpetuate.

Then we have Fresno, both the city and county governments, a perfect example of local overreach.
Here, and in other neighboring counties, those in power filled up on that sweet concoction of deceit and loathing for the peoples will, have taken an approach to circumventing that will, by enacting a system of illegal health and safety "code violations" against otherwise law abiding citizens.

Using Fresno's official reasoning; that these home grows promote violent crime, brings up some interesting points for us to discuss.
For instance, I'm willing to bet that more violent crimes take place at locations like liquor stores, bank ATM's, shopping center parking lots, and college campuses, than have ever occurred at grow houses.
Taking the official Fresno concern a step further, why aren't they also shutting down these establishments?
If you people in charge are truly interested in our wellbeing, why aren't you focusing your efforts where the stats show enforcement needs?
And we haven't even begun to talk about the ongoing car theft plague, the rotary doors at Maggie's jail, and the way we allow sex offenders to leave the cozy confines of prison, where they should reside for life.

Guess what Fresno?

This is going to go as well for you as the shopping cart episode.
Bean counters, yeah you people writing the checks for these entities, warm up your pens, because you're going to be writing a lot of checks, for a lot of dollars.

There goes your Fulton Mall street to nowhere Ashley.
Maggie, you may have to put off the quarter million dollar redo on your office as well.

The ACLU, the courts, and the people who pay your outrageous salaries, particularly your salaries Maggie Mims and Jerry "photo op" Dyer, are going to send your antiquated ideas of law enforcement packing into a more appropriate setting. Perhaps, a museum on poor bureaucratic judgement and prioritization.
We could call it the Fresno Museum of the Ostrich, with dioramas of all the county and city wigs with their heads buried in the sand.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why yes my dear, our government does lie to us

Have you ever read the comments posted alongside columns from your favorite online news source? If you're like me, a rabid news junkie, you do, and you probably throw your two cents in as well when a topic of particular interest makes print. For me, that playground includes, this blog, the NY TImes, the LA Times, BBC, CNN....
Of late I've found real enlightenment in some of the insightful comments made by my fellow citizens in the NY Times. Other comments fall into the real entertainment category, I want to discuss one such blurb today.

My favorite new comment came from today's NYT, and it made the esteemed Editor's Pick list; it's esteemed because they have also shown the good sense to select some of my comments for the honor...

Today's comment by Micoz, from Charlotte N.C., can be seen at under the column titled "Memo Approving Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizen to be Released".
This comment finds my funny bone with the writer's characterization of Barry's administration.
"It is the way of this administration to lie, cover up, deceive, and hide the truth from the American people."

Really Micoz? You're going to hang that dangling chad on Barry alone? Open your eyes, clean the wax from your ears, and for God Sakes man pay attention.

You have been lied to, from the moment you exited the womb. Remember your parents telling you how smart and good looking you are? Shortly thereafter you began lying too.
Welcome to the real world.

It matters not a whit who sits in the oval office, doesn't matter if he's from the right, the left, or outerspace.
You know why?
Because the very nature of competitive nations vying for dwindling resources in a highly overcrowded world, demands that state secrets be kept.
End of story.