Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Difference Between Us and Them.

Have any of you noticed the attitude public employees have towards those who are not employed by the government? Recently, I found myself at the local DMV where I witnessed the hazing of a new full time hire at the branch.

To provide an accurate portrayal of the event I will set the scene for you. I am standing at the photo counter after having my motorcycle written test graded, I passed. The woman grading my test was in conversation with a co worker while attending to my needs. I love multi-taskers, don't you? She then related to her friend at the office about how she told the new hire, also a woman, that she had better run to clock in the moment the door opened, as every second she was late would be taken from her break time or some such nonsense. The two women snickered and shared conspiratorial looks, as the other suggested that perhaps they could find more creative ways with which to torment the new girl. When I commented on the rather brutal nature of their conspiracy, the reply was and I quote: "If she can't handle us then how the hell is she going to deal with assholes like you?"

 I'm not going to debate whether or not I'm an asshole. Many people clearly believe so. My father included, since I bought a motorcycle. And my wife will probably concur on occasion. She's probably right.

However, I found that exchange to be quite telling. Those who rely upon "assholes like you" for their food, homes, and general well being; do hold us "assholes" in contempt. Obviously the DMV is not unique in it's attitude towards the public that fills the trough from which they feed. When fully 16% of our populace makes their living as employees of JUST the Federal government, how long before the trough fillers are outnumbered by the trough feeders?

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