Sunday, October 16, 2011

Manifesto of the American Reality Party

We have but one purpose for our group, this purpose is to cut through the copious quantity of pablum peddlers spewing the "company line" of government  through every outlet known to man. Except this one. Here you will discover unvarnished truth, fact, reality as it pertains to our daily lives. There will be a pronounced lean towards civil liberty, with an emphasis on dismantling the laws that have suspended our individual rights, including but not limited to the hilariously mis-named Patriot Act. We also advocate for the immediate end to the "War on Drugs", the dissolution of the DEA, BATF, and every other redundant 'law enforcement' agency in the nation. Republics with codes of law like ours breed only violent crime and dissension amongst those of us who bristle at the notion that we are children in need of guidance from an elite cabal of 'adults'. What we have become is a police state, protecting the interests of the corporate elite, well on our way to dictatorship. For myself and I'm assuming many millions more, this is wholly un acceptable. Through the power of ideas, and their dissemination to a wider audience of like minded citizens, we hope to affect change in our government that will drastically alter the course of our misguided country.

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