Saturday, October 22, 2011

America's Reality Disconnect with Marijuana

When my kids were growing up, I used to play a game with them called "Reality Is". I still play it with my wife, but I digress. What this allowed me to do, was share ideas, and shape the minds of both girls in a way that encouraged critical thought and problem solving. I like to believe this is why our daughters are involved in studies that embrace science rather than the liberal arts, though both would succeed as easily in either endeavor. Clearly my wife has other ideas as to the genesis of their thought processes, she can start her own blog and express them there. This place, this small slice of the world is mine, and I will fill it with ALL of the wisdom accumulated in my 50 years of information absorption; where I get to pontificate without interference from anyone as I seek to inform, and yes perhaps unload a bit. Lucky you dear reader, lucky you. Back to "Reality Is", this game which was quite effective in countering the vitriolic propaganda of the anti drug, anti gang, anti common sense, anti personal responsibility, regime of the public school system of the 1990's. Many a day my kids came home with the governments latest proclamations against marijuana and the evils associated with it's use. Drilled into their voracious little minds, were images of people,  well not people really, people don't smoke pot; only drug imbued sub human junkie tripsters use that shit. Visions of a group that don't deserve the same respect, honors and privileges of society, as say the police, fireman, or elected officials who slave away as "public servants" for an ungrateful public.(Insert sounds of puking here.) Believe me, trying to help my kids filter through this shit that had nothing to do with school, yet took an inordinate amount of their curricular time, was exhausting both physically and mentally. For all of us. Why do I have to defend myself to my kids about personal choice issues, that become issues only because of government interference into MY private matters?
 This is where "Reality Is" comes in. I would normally preface my statements to the girls with those two words, then transform the phrase into a question like: "Reality is Daddy smokes pot, but have either of you ever wanted for anything, or been denied my love because I do? "Reality is that life is full of struggles and God has given us all good things to sustain us through those times when we feel we need some assist. Is it wrong of me to use God's gifts as they were intended? "Reality is girls, that there are people out there who mean well, but really have no experience with marijuana in the way that I, and many millions of other Americans do. Their negativity is usually the result of a family member having been forced to deal with unnecessary prosecution or persecution, in a court of law through ordinance's that are neither well thought out or enforceable. Reality is girls, we have a public that has been, and continues to be, hoodwinked by a government careening down a road to no where.  This is especially true of our governments farcical placement of marijuana in the "Schedule One" class of drugs, right next to heroin. To the best of my knowledge, not one single person ever overdosed on marijuana, while untold numbers have perished riding the "H" train. How is it possible that we could have a person or persons in a position of power informing public policy, be so ill informed? So blatantly wrong? Why are we allowing this delusion to continue into the 21st century? 
Reality is America; marijuana is not going away, it's the most valuable cash crop in the country.
Reality is America; we don't allow the best farmers in the world to grow our herb, you know OUR FARMERS, we'd rather allow violent 'cartels' the opportunity to supply our self constructed black markets, while holding our friends and family in Mexico and South America hostage to their bullshit. 
Reality is America; for all the billions blown on the "War on Drugs", we could have provided a free college education to every American who wanted one. 
Reality is America; that had we prioritized our spending towards education, our need for prisons would be but a fraction of what we find ourselves warehousing citizens in now.
Reality is America; all the treasure buried in this cluster-fuck could have provided us all with a far better health care plan than "Barry Care" ever dreamed of. Maybe even as good as the one Congress voted themselves.
Reality is America; those of you who cling to the governments line on weed, would probably have been first in line for Kool Aid in Jonestown.

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