Sunday, October 23, 2011

Immigration and American Reality

I just read the news today oh boy.... My apologies to the Beatles, but that line says it all. Alabama is in the news again, not because their football team is hot. No, only because of the racist nature of the state, and it's white inhabitants, who have raised their ugly heads again. Teaching hate seems to be a "Family Value" in Alabama. Two teams of basketball players in a pick up game, divided along racial lines, one white the other hispanic. The hispanic kids beat the white kids, but rather than shake hands and say"good game", the white kids started taunting the hispanic kids with racist shit like "why don't you Mexicans go home?" Why is it that a nation of immigrants, all of us but our Native American cousins who preceded our arrival, are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants; feel it necessary to demonize the people who immigrate here after us? Why would anyone with a shred of compassion, feel it's necessary to scapegoat a segment of humanity based on their ethnicity? Are any of you really "better" because of your ethnicity? Or do you cling to this antiquated notion because you're ignorant, ill-informed, or just a plain hating racist? We as a nation are incredibly spoiled, we like cheap food, we like our lawns green and manicured. We want other people to raise our children for us, because we're too busy chasing dollars. We like to eat out, so others can clean up the mess for us. In other words we're lazy. We believe we're too good to do certain types of manual labor. After all if a person can sit on their ever expanding ass and collect more money from welfare, than they can working the fields harvesting crops, or weeding the rows, do you blame them? No, I blame the system we put in place that allows our corporate farmers to pay far less than the Minimum Wage to their workers. Who else will accept the type of demeaning treatment, paltry pay, and long grueling hours in hot grimy conditions? Only those with no other opportunity, pretty safe to say that not many American Citizens will. I also blame the Welfare System for not actually investigating the needs of Welfare Applicants. This entire process of forms and filing in a brick and mortar setting without means testing through personal visits; does nothing but invite corruption, and condone an anti American lifestyle. I believe we might look into a system that allows people to collect welfare in return for farm labor, while the corporate farmer who now receives welfare funded labor should forgo his government subsidies. We could also save a boat load of cash by putting these people to work maintaining our State Parks, Rest Area's, highways, beaches, and rivers.... There should be some return for the pay, no one has ever handed me money to sit at home. Should we find a need for an influx of immigrant workers, we should pay them a living wage, treat them with the same respect we wish to be treated with when we travel to other countries.  For all of those who claim a Judeo-Christian faith, you'll recognize this as reaping what you sow. Or, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Funny how we can all spout these charming little affirmations of our outward faith, but seldom do we see people backing those words with action.
So America you stand now with a true dilemma before you, are you going to allow haters who would divide us along racial lines fool you into believing their bullshit; or will you turn away from this recurrent  culturally embedded racism, and embrace the fruits of immigration? Without it, you lose the Tesla's, Whitney's, Edison's and Einstein's of our Nation. But you get to keep the KKK, and a whole group of pandering political habitues spewing Fox News venom and hate. Your choice America.

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