Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jumping Off the Fiscal Cliff

Source: Google Images
I love brinksmanship, don't you? Especially when it comes to the people we elect to run our government.

On the one hand we have Barry, standing his ground demanding that millionaires pay a tax rate commensurate to the success they've enjoyed while the tax code was gerry rigged in their favor.

On the other hand we have Boner and Co. blindly clinging to the idea that they have some kind of mandate to screw us out of the insurance we've been forced to pay into for decades. Some mandate, the only way the retardicans have the house is through the continued gerrymandering of congressional districts in mid western and southern states where a white majority still hold out hope for glory days of domination gone by.

Let's get this straight Boner, you do not have a mandate to steal the hard earned money we have all paid into the government Ponzi schemes of Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.

Since reduction of spending is the main thrust of the retardican effort to bring the budget in line, then why not start with your exorbitant pay and benefit package? How about shoring up Social Security by making it the retirement plan for congress? How quick will you guys go to the trough for your next boondoggle, if it's the same one feeding you?

While we're on the topic of spending cuts, how much money can we save if we re-set our defense stance to include only our borders? Why are we still occupying Germany and Japan sixty seven years after the end of World War II? Why have our leaders placed our nation into a permanent war time economy? We manufacture weaponry, and export it at far greater volume than the rest of the world combined; what happened to making things people use to enhance life, rather than ending it?
Why does our government use the media to keep us in a perpetual mental state of
"Us against Them"?

The reality is America, that we have a cabal of business and government leaders running our country who envision nothing less than a world of peons laboring for the wealthy in a bi-polar society of have and have not. The redistribution of wealth that has taken place with the decimation of organized labor, and thus our middle class, is nothing short of complete reversion to a time when our oligarchy ran roughshod over the rule of law, and the citizens the law was intended to protect.
These laws now only protect those who have the resources to influence their creation, while subjugating the masses.

Hear me now believe me later, the new push to ban assault weapons will not stop there. Adam Lanza provided our jailers with exactly the conditions necessary to invoke a weapons ban, thereby disarming a potential rebellion that would put the middle class back into it's rightful place in society. We'll hear, for a while, that we need to do something about mental health. And we will, we'll use that ruse to incarcerate those who bring into question the direction of our nation. Just as the Soviets did, and the Russians do to this day. Think Gitmo, only with American citizen prisoners, who have no rights.
You gave those up with the passing of the Patriot Act.

Ultimately, at this juncture of history we have a very serious choice to make; will we repudiate the work of Truman and Eisenhower who set us on the path of world hegemony?
Will we re-task our industry to peace time pursuits after almost 70 years of constant war readiness?
Or will we continue to allow our government to feed us bread and circuses while we bury our heads in the sands of ignorance; as we witness our middle class' evaporation like a rain fed puddle?

In reality America, this is what the cliff is all about, it's the battle for the salvation of the middle class, if we are allowed to fall off the cliff, whats left of the middle class will shrivel and die. While the wealthy just absorb a meaningless bump in their tax responsibility, the rest of us get to finance their profligate ways.
If you make less than a million a year and you voted retardican, the reason why is self explanatory.

Monday, December 17, 2012

American Tragedy: What Was Mom Thinking

As more facts come to light regarding the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the story becomes more tragic at every turn. One such crucial piece of information is something we should all take to heart, and act upon vigilantly.

Just revealed today, Mrs. Lanza mother of Adam who murdered 26 people, not only collected guns in a  home she housed her nut case son in, she actively pursued his education in handling firearms.
Normally I would applaud such a parental move; if any of us is to have guns in our home we should train our able minded family members in their safe legitimate use.

However when your child is troubled mentally; training that child to use a gun, or even keeping a gun where it can be obtained by that child is straight up fucking nuts.
That, as Mrs. Lanza had the extreme misfortune of discovering, was just as effective as placing the barrel of the gun at her own temple. The only difference being that twenty five other people had to die before that epiphany entered and left her dying mind.

Note to all of you who suspect you've got a family member ready to go over the deep end, it is incumbent upon you to actively participate in that individuals disarming.
If you're placing, or allowing guns to remain in the hands of the unstable, you are every bit as guilty of the crimes that person commits. Fortunately for Mrs. Lanza she doesn't have to be haunted by her sons deadly rampage, nor does she live with the consequences. That wreckage was left behind for the devastated families and community of Newtown to sift through.

American Tragedy

This last Friday December 14 2012, the world bore witness to yet another psychotic atrocity.
A young man loaded with weapons, ammo, and untreated delusions; destroyed the lives of every man woman and child in Newtown, Connecticut. After he killed his mother, and just before he terminated his own sorry excuse for existence, his actions took the lives of twenty kids in the first grade, and six adults valiantly attempting to stop the carnage.

In the aftermath of this inexplicable rampage, our society's knee jerk reaction is to regurgitate tired, old, and thoroughly disproven ideas of gun control, and prohibition of ownership of certain types of firearms.
Am I the only one looking at this from the standpoint of other failed prohibition attempts?
Why can't we as a nation face the fact that there are a very small number of us who must be institutionalized to protect the vast majority from these behaviors.

America has very little to offer it's citizens in the way of pre-emptive protection from the insane; 'twas not always the case dear reader, but due to the legal actions of certain civil liberty organizations, society's safety net of asylums for the insane has been largely dismantled. Thus we have the tragedy we had Friday; a mother out of her depth trying to homeschool a son who should have had professional help in a secure residential facility. Far from other children, weapons, and his mother who would no doubt still be alive were the option open to her.

People, we can all agree when children are senselessly massacred as they were December 14th, change must occur. But that change must not promulgate an entirely new set of problems for our society to confront. People kill people, the gun only operates at the behest of the human. If we go forward with any type of gun prohibition we blindly cast aside the lessons of our history, hard fought and often times futile.

Just a few short weeks ago,we witnessed the first strategic blow against another exercise in prohibition futility when Washington state citizens voted for the legalization of marijuana. With weed having been illegal for like 80 years, and evermore people imbibing, the reality of the situation for most forward thinkers has set in. Prohibition does not work. The genie has been out of the bottle for so long now, his descendants are intermarried with all of our clans.

The same is also true of guns in America, the reality is there are more guns floating around legally and illegally in our country now than at anytime in the history of man, that controlling them in any way is farcical in the extreme.
Ask yourselves, with all of the money and resources dedicated to the interdiction of drugs, the fact that drugs of greater variety and power are available in ever increasing quantities; what is the likelihood that a gun ban will work? Like drugs, they will only arrive in greater volume, be more powerful, and available to anyone with cash. No regulatory oversight, no taxes to pay, just one more chance for corrupt overpaid bureaucrats to look the other way while they take the gold rather than the lead.

Barry, you need to seize this opportunity to step up Barry Care to include mental health facilities that have been sorely lacking in our nation for decades. Your chief chip on the table to Boehner is the promise not to go after gun legislation. This episode should have lifted the veil from all of our eyes, it is imperative to pro-actively treat those in need rather than incarcerating or burying them and a whole bunch of others later.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vladimir Putin; Pussy Extraordinaire

Pussy Riot, the all-female Russian punk band, jailed for singing a protest song about Putin.
Source: Google Images

"Short people got no reason..."
"They got little hands, little eyes."
"They walk around tellin' great big lies..."

Sound familiar Russia? Amazing how song lyrics reflect real life, is it not?
Clearly Randy Newman had no way of foreseeing the rise of your very own Short People: Putin/Medvedev Inc.
However, he like the rest of us who study history, has a long well documented list of mini men who became dictators from which to draw inspiration for these lyrics.
Perfect analogies to what Russia faces today.

"They got little noses, and tiny little teeth."
"They wear platform shoes on their nasty little feet..."

They have no tolerance for freedom, despise free speech.
They jail young women, who use art to teach.
They fear losing power, knowing death is at hand.
That's why they locked up the girls in the band.

Little bitty men, with tiny little hearts.
Tore young lovers and families apart.
No sense of value, chained up in pride.
Nothin but darkness and evil inside.

"They got little baby legs, that stand so low."
 "You gotta pick em up, just to say hello."

They got little baby ears stuck to tiny round domes.
Full of bad ideas for you folks back home.
You threw out the czar, and the Nazis' too.
Best kill Vlad before he gets you.

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to Make a Cop Come

This past Friday evening, my girlfriend and I went to dinner at a favorite Mexican restaurant called La Carretta.
We've eaten at this establishment many times, love the homemade tortillas and authentic cuisine.
Unquestionably a great addition to the Fresno food scene and tax base.

Which begs the following question:
Why is it that when this restaurant is burglarized early on Friday morning, the crime reported to Fresno P.D. within minutes of discovery, yet as of 7p.m. Sunday evening when we returned, no police officer has arrived to take a statement? Dust for fingerprints?
Is this standard operating procedure across town?

Visual Approximation. Source: Google Images
I'm guessing that if the business in question had been a Starbucks in North Fresno, the police show up in a heart beat.
I could only suggest to the owner that she call Chief Jerry "Never Miss a Photo Op" Dyer's office direct, tell his minion that a tv crew is on the way to film the destruction.
I'm betting Jerry would be there faster than if someone had walked into his office shouting:
"Free donuts and Steroids at La Carretta..."
Fresno Police Department is a joke.
It's chief a trough feeder who has overstayed his time and overeaten his share.
Much like the Sheriff.
Glad I don't reside in the city or county of Fresno, my sympathies to those of you who do.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Going Rove

Source: Google Images
Just want to drop in today to add something new to the American lexicon.

"Going Rove": When an individual or group clings to incredulous fantasy in the face of irrefutable fact.

Thanks Karl, you've been quite instrumental in bringing yet another very descriptive term to our language. None of us will forget "dangling chads" will we? I'm guessing that "Going Rove" will be even more popular. That meltdown on Fox Nazi News guarantees years of Youtube reruns, thoroughly engraining your clown status in the minds of any and all Americans capable of independent thought.

Source: Google Images
Akin to "Going Postal", or "Going Rogue", you've set the bar incredibly low; the next Retardican propagandist need merely trip over your gutter's high water mark to achieve some semblance of rational perception in the minds of the electorate.

We would also be remiss if we left out thanks to Rupert Murdoch here. Without his misguidance the whole affair may have turned out much differently. His cohort of right wing-nuts, a collection of pseudo reporters/side show pitch men crossed the line into straight up Nazi propaganda that Goebbels would have wholeheartedly endorsed. Some how they miscalculated the publics view of those ideas. How very odd considering that America helped the Russians who lead the way in kicking that ass in World War II.

One more thought in passing before I go do something far more interesting than this, like picking up the dog shit in my backyard: Being an angry old white dude or lady, just isn't going to get you where it once did. Please back away from the hate, step out from the Fox Nazi News chamber of disreputable propaganda, and join the rest of us in the twenty first century. If Lindsay Graham can face the fact that it's over, there's hope for the rest of you too.

Muchas Gracias.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Round 3: The Knock Out Punch

Source: Google Images
Winner, and still champion by TKO in the 3rd round, by a 2 out of 3 judges decision,
Barry"the Bomba" Obama. Bummer Mitt, you had Barry on the ropes in the early going, but you caved during crucial give and takes, consistently contradicting yourself, and showing the world your true nature.

Mitt Rmoney will say anything to anyone in order to garner their vote. The man stands as tall and stout as the shifting sands of the Sahara. Snakes have more backbone.

When it comes to America's political scene one truism stands out; regardless of party it's about power.
Romney Family's "Rmoney" Photo-Op
Source: Google Images
This election however pits a 3D vision of the future against a blurry view of the past as perceived through a sepia tone print of glory days gone by.

Rmoney, and Ryan want you to believe that your grandfathers and great grandfathers had it best when they worked without collective bargaining under harsh take it or leave it conditions. They want you to forget your forefathers hard fought battles that secured a middle class for America.
The oligarchs running corporate America had little or no interest in building a strong educated workforce; quite the contrary, their only goal was personal enrichment. Knowing full well that the better educated the sons and daughters of these workers became, the harder it would become to maintain the indentured servitude nature of their fathers employment. In Rmoney's mind it's not much different today.

Rmoney and his ilk have spent the past 25 years dismantling America's manufacturing capacity, shipping jobs and technology to China, Taiwan, Japan, Latin America, Mexico..., all in the name of corporate dividends.
At least that was the company line:
"We're just doing what's best for the company and it's shareholders..."
In reality; they were actively breaking unions with an eye towards rolling back collective bargaining agreements that actively fed and nurtured a strong American middle class.
I mean how can they truly be in control, when they have to meet the demands of the peons they've deigned to employ? Power implies control, beware those who seek either.

Rmoney and Ryan want you to believe that the prevailing wages paid to non union employees have nothing to do with the wages paid to union represented workers. When collective bargaining is eliminated under their plan, how fast do you think real wages will fall?
My guess is, that descent will be mind numbingly rapid, akin to a death spiral in an out of control aircraft.

After securing the death of collective bargaining the next assault will be on our private lives, with the government of R&R doing all they can to insert Big Brother into our bedrooms. Roe v Wade will be the first target, with R&R expending the bulk of their political capital in a Quixotic misadventure the Taliban would be proud of. Much the same way Barry ignored the economy to pass BarryCare.

They fight not for the honor and humility of service to country; but for the opportunity to enrich themselves and their close financial supporters.

If Mitt felt so strongly about serving; how come he took two deferments from the draft during VietNam? I guess he felt entitled to dictate the terms of his service...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barry vs. Mitt: Round II

Source: Google Images

Dear Barry, and Mitt,

Two down, one to go, and just a few weeks remaining before we're forced to cast a vote for one of you sorry excuses for leadership. Your last debate, supposedly addressing foreign policy, represents your final opportunity in this election cycle to convince the American people that you understand why the rest of the world hates our guts.

Source: Google Images
Your first two debates established the fact that neither of you are interested in truth, facts, or reality. 
I expect this third encounter to devolve into outright name calling, blatant lying, and all out political farce. For entertainment value alone it's worth viewing; but when it comes down to why these debates are occurring, I believe we're being short changed.

Mitt you're clueless in this area as during your trip abroad you successfully alienated one of the few countries that tolerate us, Great Britain. And Barry, controlled by the corporate powers that pull the governments strings, you're next to powerless like all elected officials, to turn the tide of American hegemony wrought upon the world over the last 100 plus years. 

Source: Google Images

Neither one of you, has either the backbone or the sense of reality required to efficiently run our very polarized nation. Neither of you holds the capacity to unify a people intentionally divided by a ruling class that did not foresee the effect of using religion as a wedge against the middle. Or demonizing middle class wage earning union members as scapegoats for less than competitive American products. Mitt you and the Republicans are particularly guilty of this last charge, as you fail to acknowledge the fact that you and every American CEO of a Fortune 500 company are compensated at rates far beyond your peers in the rest of the first world. You guys pay yourselves like the Shah of Iran. Remember what happened to him? Worst of all is the fact that your party has been in open conflict with the middle class for almost a generation now when Uncle Ronnie fired the opening salvo with his abolition of the air traffic controllers union.

Source: Google Images
Most importantly though as demonstrated by the first two debates, neither you nor the parties you represent are working for the betterment of the American people.
Once again we witness a struggle for power, that will only bear fruit for a small cabal of politically savvy, wealthy individuals.

These debates are all the evidence I need to demand change. Substantive, exacting change.
America needs at least one more relevant political party, independent of the two established patrimonies. Optimally three or four parties. 
A radically truncated election cycle, 60 days max.
Stringent limitations on fundraising by our elected officials.
No corporate or union political activity.
Lobbyists for any cause strictly forbidden.
Return all American armed forces to barracks in the USA. We killed Bin Laden, we're done. WWII is over, so is the Korean War, bring them all home.
We are not the American Empire, we are not the worlds policeman. It is not incumbent on us to dictate morality to other nations or to our own citizens.
Governments function is to provide security and infrastructure in this country, not in Afghanistan.
Nor is it the governments responsibility to regulate life choices that effect only me; so please I respectfully request that this government butt the fuck out of my life, if I want advice on how to live I'll contact Oprah.

Thank You,
American Reality Party

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thank You Mitt!!

August 12, 2012

Dear Mitt,
On behalf of a grateful party we congratulate you for stepping out of your well rehearsed character by making the bold choice of Paul Ryan as your Vice Presidential running mate.
America is now faced with perhaps the clearest choice ever presented in a Presidential race.
With your selection Mitt, you've raised the bar substantially.

We now offer the people two choices.
The first option; stay with the status quo. Incremental change taking our nation back down a slow retrograde path to legislated oligarchy. My personal fave.
Option two, embrace carefully selected excerpts from the objectivist teachings of an author cum philosopher, that propel us down the path of citizen servitude at a rate of speed the Air Force would covet in a nuclear missile. Now that's what I call balls my man!!

Really Mitt, we here at party headquarters extend our most heart felt gratitude to you for making the choice so clear for tens of millions of voters nationwide.

My job is now far easier than I could have ever hoped!

Continued Sucksess,
President Barry O'Bama

P.S. That's not a typo in "sucksess" by the way...

Photo Source: Google Images

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pair o' Dimes Shift Part Deux

Source: Google Images

Paradigm Shift: implies a dramatic change in the ways of doing business, devotion to religion, and personal interface between an individual and his government.
This post is designed to educate those in "public service", and their cohort in the corporate establishment, of the societal changes afoot. A paradigm shift in the way some individuals are going to confront this conspiracy of government and private enterprise some of us refer to as a Ponzi scheme. Most of you will recognize this as the United States of America.

Common knowledge dictates that corporate interests in this nation control all three branches of our republic; the judiciary, legislative, and executive. Official capitulation to these interests over the past two hundred years have been met with periodic spasms of resistance from a populace that refused to wear the yoke of legislated servitude. We now face a similar moment in history where we have sustained a steady assault on our individual rights, both as citizens and consumers.

Reality is America, if we don't act to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals so eloquently written in our founding documents, we doom ourselves to one of two fates faced by every republican democracy intoxicated by it's own power and wealth.
The evidence before us indicates a slide into oligarchy; wherein a very few families control the wealth and wellbeing of hundreds of millions of their fellow "citizens". Can you say "Russia", or maybe "China", "Great Britain"?...

Individually we've watched in silence, as our rights have been swept away like the ashes of the Twin Towers. Under the guise of patriotism, we have been asked to give up the rights our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and forefathers died heroically defending.
We now hold American citizens without charge as "enemy combatants" in clandestine prisons around the globe, denying them basic human dignity guaranteed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In some cases we target them for extra-judicial killing expressly forbidden in our society.
Some of you rightly recognize this act for what it is, murder.
No greater or less a sin than that committed by the individual being hunted.

Our self imposed role of global police man, has guaranteed the enmity of most, and the fealty of few through intimidation, confrontation, hegemonic action.
For the most part America; the vast stores of moral capital established with our victory in World War II, are gone. Fear has replaced respect not only with regard to our friends and enemies abroad, but here at home as well. Many of the tactics employed in getting our neighbors to toe the line are also used here to keep us in line.

Think drones flying in civilian airspace.
Think about why Barry felt it necessary to suspend Posse Comitatus with the blessing of Boehner and the Supremes.

Many if not most of you are feeling the effects of our stagnant economy limping into round two of prolonged global recession. Some have lost your homes because legislation supposedly intended to keep predatory lenders from foreclosing, have no teeth.
Our leaders trumpeting victory for the common man while behind the scenes facilitating the opposite.

Now think about the inevitable sequence of events surrounding a shift in the economic behavior of a population determined to force change on their country.
What happens if we as a united group refuse to financially support the current status quo?
What would result from a witholding action by the people en masse?
Is it feasible to seek retribution against 200 million plus people?

Each of us acting as individuals, joined together in common cause, hold the last cards of freedom in the deck of life. Each of us holds the "Pair o' Dimes" needed to shift this country back to the path of righteousness.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Pair-o-Dimes" Shift Part One

Source: Google Images

Paradigm; refers to the models we follow in life, whether that be politics, religion, or relationships between individuals and corporations.
Thus todays post, with particular emphasis placed on the relationship between American's and the companies that control their lives.
Many of us have experienced a downturn in our incomes and asset valuations since 2007.
As the economy spiraled into recession, our homes foreclosed on, cars repossessed, our overall standard of living plummeting like the value of GM stock, or the crumbs of the once mighty Krispy Kreme Donut empire sinking into the sludgey remains at the bottom of your Dixie Cup.

Today the average American's net worth is 1/3 what it was before 2007.
Personally, my position is shall we say, less lucrative than that.
We all watched helplessly, as our 401k's and real estate lost value as fast as the Titanic took on water. The ships crew(Congress) haplessly fumbling about to save the wealthier passengers(banks and auto makers), while the 2nd class (Middle Class America), and steerage passengers (The Poor), were left to drown. Five years later the ships crew is still haplessly fumbling about pointing fingers for their failures, at any and all phantoms(Ben Bernanke, E.T., whoever...) while never acknowledging the fact that we are where we are, because the ship's helmsmen turned the wheel over to a cabin steward while abandoning ship.

Congress abdicated their responsibility to our nations fiscal health to a cabal of private bankers almost one hundred years ago. With the formation of the Fed came the Income Tax and the IRS;  really what better way to build a private banker slush fund than enact new taxes on the personal income of the masses. While simultaneously passing legislation shielding the wealthy from this new responsibility of citizenship. Resulting in  the "serf-ication" of the 99% that are equal parts prey, and indispensable servant. Prior to this treason America was a creditor nation, with the most productive economy in the world. We have since become one of the most indebted nations in the history of civilization.

Thats what the Federal Reserve is friends, a private banking slush fund loaning money to banks at interest rates well below market value, funded by our tax dollars. That's right, the very banks whose risky trades put us where we are today, did so with our money, and the blessing of Congress. It was Congress that removed restraints put on the banking and insurance industries after the Great Depression, that allowed these miscreants to delve into investment areas previously forbidden them. It was Congress with both, Bush and Barry prodding them on; who lavished money on the banks and corporations that screwed us, rather than prosecuting those responsible for the greatest theft of public wealth ever.

Instead our government chose to scapegoat, prosecute, and publicly vilify people like Bernie Madoff whose crime was to steal from the rich to make himself rich, while rewarding those who stole from you and I, the working class of America. The lesson being that it's o.k. to rob from the masses, as has been the case since the beginning of time, but those who show the audacity to plunder the wealthy will be made an example of with extreme prejudice. 

I'm pretty certain after reading much of the written ideas left us by our Founders, Thomas Jefferson most specifically, we have now descended into a state of governance they so presciently warned us of, and rebelled against.

To be continued...

Monday, May 28, 2012

What an Em'Barry'sment

So Barry, a new biography coming our way detailing the high school exploits of our current and future President while a member of the notorious "Choom Gang". Smoking weed, drinking beer, doing all the things kids do at that age. All while attending the privileged Punahou School in Oahu with the islands' wealthy elite.
Source: Google Images

Do tell us Barry, if it was OK for you to partake without penalty; why are you suddenly persecuting those of us who use marijuana for medicine legitimately while under the protection of medical marijuana laws you did not have the benefit of?

Barry allow me to shed a little light for you; those people who elected you, the people who are tired of war, who fear the pendulum's continued swing to the right, are now wondering why you're pushing that pendulum further to the right than Bush?

You've successfully suspended Posse Comitatus, directed the FAA to allow drone flights in civilian airspace. The next logical step in this progression would be to foment public unrest, allowing for the occupation of America's cities under martial law. Considering the ham handed tactics unleashed under your watch, used  with your blessing to quell the Occupy protests; might these be the beginnings of or the training sessions for, the implementation of martial law?
Will the troops coming home be discharged, or will they be dragooned into service here as imposers of martial law?

Thankfully our troops are ending their overseas commitments in two wars whose outcomes will not be known for probably another generation. America re-opened Pandora's Box of interfaith war that the despots of the region had kept a lid on for decades. Clearly these governments we've overthrown were not our friends, nor did they serve their citizenry. However when we endeavor to transplant our way of government on others who have neither the desire nor training to sustain the effort, we get what we have in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Dysfunction, corruption, ineptitude, and a patronage system akin to Tammany Hall.
Different yes, but better?

Reality is America, regardless of who we think we're voting into office, that person does not exist.
He or she is nothing more than an amalgamation of disparate words and deeds, pandering to the elite who control our lives. If you want change, real change, it's not going to happen at the polling place controlled by corporate interests. Look to your past for your future America, the solution lies there.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Barry Strikes Again...

How many of you heard Barry's latest civil liberty proclamation today?
The better question is: How many of you believe him?
Personally I'm experiencing a little deja vu here; remember the 2008 election when Barry told us that he supported medical marijuana, and would not prosecute in states were medical marijuana laws were in force? I may not clearly remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, but I do have a strong recall of that particular statement.
We all know what happened to that promise don't we?
Or perhaps we should ask Richard Lee the founder of Oaksterdam University, how true to his word Barry is?

Now he's telling our gay citizens that he supports their right to marriage.
More election year pandering to a constituency he was going to carry anyway. Why?
Will he follow the same modus operandi for gay marriage as he has with marijuana, lulling us into a sense of safety, only to drop the hammer later?
Will our government deploy the same drones they intend to use for general surveillance of the populace, to also monitor lifestyle choices?
Clearly they'll be operating their drones over our homes and public lands, not to keep us safe, but to keep us in line.

Here it is my gay friends; Barry's asking you to all come out into the light, become public with your relationships and with his blessing marry.
All I ask is that you question why?

Cartoon Source:
Photo Source:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Putin, Russia's Little Big Man

Ever notice how through the annals of history we've been periodically burdened by teeny tiny little men who strive to project the visage of giants? Why is it that Russia has been afflicted with more than their fair share? The former USSR before them? If you're not thinking Stalin, then you're not thinking. Is there something in the neurological makeup of miniature men that compels them to seek dictatorial power?

Vlad is a pretty short dude, with a very bad attitude towards his people. I like how he gravely took the mantel from Medvedev(another micro man), and thanked the millions who turned out to vote for him.
Unfortunately he neglected to mention the 10's of millions who detest him, and clearly did not vote for his cult of personality. No these Russian citizens were set upon by the police in an effort to clear the streets for his coronation, 'er I mean swearing in. Vlad baby, if Berlusconi is the most prominent foreign dignitary attending your pompous soiree; what does that say about your presidency, your legitimacy?

When a narcissist insists upon revealing himself as such with the frequency of a Vlad the Inhaler, take notice people you do yourselves great injustice when you allow these self serving tadpoles to swim freely in your political cesspools.

Russia rightly belongs in the pantheon of great nations, but peeps(little marshmallow candies..) like you Vlad are just a piece in the corrupt landscape of a ginormously surreal Dali-esque painting that Russia can never seem to escape.

Photo Source: The Moscow Times

Monday, April 16, 2012

Disgrace of The Americas

Tell me what country's leader do you think the title of this post refers to?
Could it be Hugo Chavez of Venezuela?
As likely a target for scorn as he deservedly is, the answer is no.
Cuba's Castro? Fidel or Raul?
Neither, change is afoot on the island that has nothing to do with the embargo we've foisted on them but rather an embrace of reality after so many decades denying it's existence.

We can go on and on here critiquing the governments of our neighbors, but really why bother.
There's absolutely no reason to look beyond Washington DC for the best example the hemisphere has to offer. That's right Barry, you win.

Given an international stage to break with the tradition of past presidents posing with their heads buried in the sands of the War on Drugs. You instead chose the dubious distinction of adding your face and voice to the pantheon of fools committed to dumping untold billions of tax dollars down a sinkhole of corruption and ineptitude. In one fell swoop you threw away your one best chance to actually establish something of a positive legacy for your presidency. Simply put; all you had to do was embrace reality.

Clearly that's a tough one. Because neither you nor any of your predecessors has been able to accomplish the feat. Rather we were forced to watch the horror of our leader espousing misguided, disproved theories to disbelieving peers. Once again. All of whom stood with heads above their asses, while they watched you assume the ostrich position. Head planted firmly within a hole.

Then to top it off, after you've wagged your finger at your peers admonishing them to stay the course of the doomed ship "USS Morality", your own Secret Service team members were availing themselves of prostitutes. Without paying them. Tell me, doesn't that constitute sexual tourism? On the passport application we all fill out they specifically call out sex tourists and drug offenders.
So Barry, how does it feel to have sex tourists travelling as part of your protection detail?
Under the cover of diplomatic immunity?
All the while you tell your cohorts that the moral war of America's choosing goes on regardless of the suffering inflicted on their people.

Disgrace indeed.

Political Cartoon Sourced from:

Friday, April 13, 2012

American Hero Richard Lee

In America we have a culture of Hero Worship.
Star quarterbacks that can hit a streaking receiver 50 yards down-field with pinpoint precision. Baseball pitchers who throw the ball 100mph past the unbelieving eyes of everyone in the stadium. Seven footers who can run and jump like gymnasts, as they arc towards the rim throwing down one monster jam after another on the basketball court. Or perhaps you're a NASCAR fan, thrilling at 220 mph straight a ways, and close contact tactical driving.

For others like myself who find little or nothing to worship in millionaire athletes and their billionaire masters; we find the subjects of our admiration to be those individuals who actually bring something of substance to mankind in the realms of business, science, and the arts.
In some rare instances we're blessed with an astute combination of the three.
Richard Lee, founder of Oaksterdam University is I believe the embodiment of that rare individual.

Following California's Prop 215 that legitimized the medicinal use of marijuana for the first time since 1937, Mr. Lee started what has become the largest most comprehensive school for the study of marijuana in the world. From seed to finished product Oaksterdam University brought sound entrepreneurial business and science practices to what was formerly the province of cartels and mom and pop backyard growers. In the process of graduating more than 4,000 students, and placing this knowledge in the hands of everyday citizens like you and I, Mr. Lee consciously struck the strongest blow ever against organized crime's monopoly of the marijuana industry.

So why the Obama sponsored raid on what is a legitimate business in the state of California?
Does Mr. Lee, who is confined to a wheelchair, really represent such a danger to society that we have to attack him with every bit of our alphabet soup of law enforcement?
Was it really necessary to strip him of his hard earned assets without benefit of trial by jury?
Force him onto the rolls of the publicly funded disabled when previously he was not only self sufficient financially, but quite generous to those less fortunate than he.
But of course you all knew, that in direct contravention of our Constitution when the IRS and the income tax were simultaneously foisted upon us we lost our rights to due process in matters involving taxation.
Apparently this also applies to those who pay their taxes, but fund political campaigns the DEA, IRS et al find inappropriate.

How can it be that a man like Mr. Lee who is paying exorbitant taxes on the, federal, state, and local levels be targeted for outright governmental theft by agencies that feed from the trough he helps to fill?
Ironic that he gets to pay out of pocket for his own persecution don't you think?

In reality the only danger Mr. Lee represents comes in the form of fighting federal injustice.
In last years state election Mr. Lee bankrolled prop 19 on the ballot in California. This proposition would have made possession of marijuana legal in our state for all adults 18 and older. After a narrow defeat of the proposition at the polls through federal misinformation and intimidation. Barry's administration cynically leapt into the fray, directing the federal prosecutor Melinda Haag (love the name don't you?) to target the law that we Californians put in place in 1996, prop 215.

Redoubling that intimidation factor the Haag, I do love that name, directed her lackeys to inform any landlord providing retail space to medicinal marijuana dispensary's that they risked forfeiture of their property without due process if they did not immediately evict their legitimate renters.
When she was heartened by the relative success of this effort; Haag then set her sights on the most prominent marijuana advocate in the nation.
Mr. Lee, a wheelchair bound paraplegic with terroristic tendencies aimed at toppling the sovereign state of America.
My Hero.

Photo Source: Google Images

Saturday, March 31, 2012

And The Race Goes On and On and On...

Many papers and pundits are calling the Retardican primary for Romney now.
Retro Rick fading fast like a single candle at the end of a very long dark tunnel.
Gingrich's money bag Ancient Adelson advising Newt and Callista that the book tour goes on without him and his dollars. Nobody's really sure what happened to Ron Paul.
That only leaves us a brief seven months to get acquainted with Mitt.

As sacrificial lambs go, so goes Mitt unto the fire of an election he's doomed to lose. Hear me now believe me later, Barry wins in a landslide. This Retardican Primary more so than any before it, has rendered the unelectable like so much pink slime oozing from a meat processing centrifuge.
Bombastic statements followed by evermore radical right religionist promises of social reform along the lines of melding church and state; have shown the Retardicans to be completely disconnected from the main stream of American thought.

While the Retardicans flail their stubby little limbs about attempting to herd the cats that have become their party; the Dumbocrats rest on Barry's laurels, such as they are.
Hoping that the debacle of Nancy "HRM"Pelosi as Speaker can be overcome by the recent memory of the Boner lead House. Seriously, when in our history have we had two such completely incompetent pirates back to back like Boner and "HRM", running the house?
Really good pirates like Tip O'Neill held the post for years on end, passing out committee seats like presents at Christmas, which they are. If the Retardicans lose the house, will the "Queen of Insider Trading", "HRM" Pelosi retake the position? Will she bury the legislation barring the trading that has made her a very wealthy woman?
Let's all say it together now--Dead On Arrival; much like the muscles in Nancy's overly botoxed face.

Reality in America precludes rational thought in politics, because the candidates insist upon separating the herd through polarizing topics of personal choice, rather than focusing on the issues that plague us all. In the case of Romney, his call to action for the masses consists of nothing more than:
"I'm the only one of the unelectable who has a remote chance of unseating Barry...want to bet ten grand?"

Beyond that, Mitt has no intention of reintroducing strong manufacturing jobs to our hungry workforce; he's already proven himself to be one hell of a union buster via Bain Capitol, thereby decimating thousands of jobs that did provide middle class incomes to families across the country.
Mitt also advocated for the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler, which would have sent droves of workers into the unemployment lines; pushing the UAW into the dustbin of history while in the process making collective bargaining in American industry a thing of the past.

One thing you can say about the Retardicans though is that they do have an agenda, crystal clear virulently anti common man with an eye towards our ultimate subjugation. Think Vonnegut's "Wreaks and Wrecks", hordes of underemployed roaming the streets with brooms and shovels cleaning the roads for the oligarchs who automated meaningful labor for the enrichment of the few.

The Dumbocrats on the other hand seem only interested in the gathering and maintenance of personal power and wealth, as they indulge the whims of their fringe interest groups. Continually promising reform but consistently handing us over to the same oligarchy that sustains the opposition. Barry Care or Obama Care is a fine example. Rather than offering the public real affordable medical care, this plan does nothing more than make us obligatory customers of the most rapacious industry in America.
The Insurance industry.

Two party's, one goal; separate you from your money, your rights, your power.

Photo Source: Associated Press

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marijuana Myths: The Danger

Mythology; a collection of exaggerated stories intended to sow misinformation, with the goal of promoting propaganda in the face of reality. Sound familiar? No I'm not referring to the never ending election cycle, though I clearly could be. What I'm talking about is this tool your government has been using since 1937 to demonize a medicinal herb used for millennia.

William Randolph Hearst, and his national network of newspapers; cast the spark that sent this nation down an endless path of "Wars", with a new "Czar" appointed to oversee every social engineering failure our nation embarks upon. Ostensibly Mr. Hearst sought to save the nation from the evil scourge of "marihuana"using his publishers pulpit to pounce on a problem of his own creation. Much in the way Rupert Murdoch's papers and news outlets "created" one titillating story after another by illegally tapping phones. Mr. Hearst though had another motive; if he made hemp paper impossible to produce in this country, he and his sycophants would then have free reign to clearcut their federal lease and privately held forestry holdings to feed new paper mills using wood pulp. Thereby allowing Mr Hearst the ability to profit on two fronts, newspapers and newsprint.

Prior to this campaign of deceit, and the invention of the cotton gin, hemp was our nations primary source of fiber for paper, rope, and textiles. Benjamin Franklin wore clothing made of "homespun" hemp fabrics during his time abroad representing our nation as a diplomat. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are both printed on hemp paper. Renewable, cost effective, and far more versatile than wood pulp or cotton; hemp was the fiber that built this nation. From the paper used in our most revered documents, to the rope that rigged the USS Constitution, the very history of America is written in and on hemp.

So why are we still fighting this "war"?
Why is it that everything the government does has to wear the "war" moniker anyway?
We all know that hemp and marijuana provide the raw material for many superior products, including medicine, so why does our government cling to hidebound fallacies of the past?

Reality is, the only dangers associated with marijuana are the ones our government inflicts upon us.
Those dangers include but are not limited to: arrest, prosecution, and incarceration.
Loss of employment, savings, social status, and assets seized by the government even when they can't prove they originated from a crime.

Last but certainly not least is the larger more ominous danger corresponding to the rise of the 'cartels', whose very murderous existence was brought to you by the government of the United States of America.

Now you all understand how marijuana became dangerous, and why.

All Poster Sourced: Google Images

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Is Barry Smoking?

Remember when? When those of us who use medical marijuana were able to go to a local dispensary to procure our meds, without the hassle associated with the black market? Remember when Barry took office and told his supporters that he would not prosecute medical marijuana providers in states where the citizens approved it's use? Here in California the law we the people made happen is now under full federal assault. Thanks Barry!

So what's your story now Barry? Pandering to those imbued with the governments poisonous propaganda surrounding a plant. While dumping billions more down a black hole of incompetent, corrupt law enforcement that's done nothing but bring about the The Police States Of America. With the enhanced tools of tyranny you've given yourself since the suspension of Posse Comitatus, and the imminent repositioning of the CIA and Air Forces fleets of drone aircraft; will you bring military force to bear against American citizens growing their own herbal medicines?

When you and your cronies in congress got together with W. to push through the Patriot Act, those like myself saw the clear cryptic message splashed in bold black letters across the wall. Our government in the stroke of a pen withdrew our rights as citizens en masse, just as though we were ALL flying those planes on September 11 2001. Our elected leaders decided at that point that every American citizen was under suspicion of being a member of or sympathizing with a terrorist movement.

That now takes us to semantics. What is the governments definition of a terrorist?
Is it only those who take up arms against the government? Or will citizens who defy unjust laws regarding their health care choices be targeted from above as we target Al Qaeda?

Considering the fact that you are the first black American president, don't you find your positions regarding this issue to be a bit ironic? Your actions are certainly more Mugabe than Jefferson, when contrasted with your words. On the one hand, you tell us that we as citizens of California have the right to self determination. On the other you send out henchmen attached to the Attorney General to attack the very citizens who elected you, in direct contradiction of your own words.

So Barry, what are you smoking?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Russia's Next Move

By now we've all seen the preordained news that Vladimir Putin has been reelected to another term as Russia's president by a landslide margin. Whew! That was close Vlad. You must have been sweating bullets awaiting that vote tally. I mean, it was so close with all of the media in your pockets, and no serious contender running against you. It must have felt like the good old days for sure like 1922 all over again, when uncle Joe ascended the throne.

And yet Vlad you still lose. Not the election you rigged of course, but you've lost what little respect you had amongst not only your own people, but the rest of the civilized world as well. You sold the dignity of Russian democracy for one more turn at total power, just as Stalin surrendered generations of his own for precisely the same reason. What is it with you diminutive dudes anyway? Napoleon, Stalin, Putin, midgets who would be men.

The difference is that today your people are no longer cowed subservients, they recognize when their freedom has been hijacked for the attainment of power by one man. Russian history of the 20th century is littered with the discredited names of those who fought for tyranny, in the face of freedom; only those who choose to ignore their history would claim otherwise.

Vlad, the rest of the world left this whole cult of personality thing behind when your uncle Joey croaked in 1953. Nobody was buying it anyway without it being shoved down the collective throat. Frankly I think you make a huge error in disregarding the clear preference of your people that you leave.
Don't go away mad Vlad, just go away.

Monday, February 27, 2012

GOP: Grossly Outdated Party, "Retro" Rick Edition

Friends, we are truly fortunate to have today another great example of why we require a third party to contest elections in this country. In todays papers across the nation, "Retro"Rick Santorum finally came out. Came out against, one of the guiding principles of our nations Constitution, the separation of church and state.

Eschewing two hundred plus years of American Constitutional thought; "Retro" Ricky has decided that you and I would be better served living under the direction of his church. This very question of religious interference in politics nearly derailed the candidacy of our first Catholic President John F. Kennedy half a century ago. But in todays American reality, some very misguided voters are actually of the mind that we would do well to surrender our political fortunes and futures to a collection of people who live and breathe the past.

Don't be mistaken, this guy is a serious contender for the nomination for President of the Republican Party. Certainly Barry's hoping he gets the nod. If the planks in his platform were any narrower, Ricky would be walking the line of sobriety like a drunk driver for a cop, one dopey foot plopped down in front of the other, tripping over his own toes. Just as he trips over his outmoded ideas vainly attempting to attract voters other than those who sport a third grade education. Which if you've heard his latest pearls of anti wisdom regarding education being for the elite, we can see quite clearly where he's headed with that. People with little or no education are far easier to lead than those who can think for themselves.

This is a candidate who insists that his views on women's health issues are relevant in some way to life in the twenty first century. Heck the proposition that any of his views are consistent with the ideals, that we as Americans have fought and died for throughout our history, is a long stretch of the imagination.

"Retro", this nation was founded on the principle that no man or woman can be compelled to follow any religious belief system not in harmony with their own. Freedom of Religion as enshrined in our Constitution, and Bill of Rights implies that your beliefs are yours to live with, because you voluntarily without coercion whole heartedly agree with the doctrine and dogma of that faith. Your efforts through candidacy for President on behalf of religionists, is nothing but an assault on one of our forefathers most cherished freedoms.

Fortunately for you too many Americans are blissfully ignorant of what happens when church usurps state. Personally I think of two places where this currently occurs, and I would never reside in either place, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hunger Games: When Fiction Becomes Reality

When literature begets reality, as in the case of Captain Nemo's submarine from Jules Vernes "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"; we witness one persons creative thought become another's actuality. In the case of Suzanne Collins and her trilogy "The Hunger Games", we have another fine example of reality possibly following the imagination of a writer.

"The Hunger Games" depicts a future North America now known as Panem (Latin for bread) run by a despotic, un-elected President Snow a character akin to Pol Pot, former leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Rather than the 50 states we're all familiar with; the country has been divided into 13 districts and a Capitol, from where the government controls everything: where you live to how much food and clothing you'll be allotted. Seventy five years in the story's past, the districts had rebelled resulting in the total annihilation of District 13 and occupation of the remaining 12 Districts by government forces known as "Peacekeepers". When the rebellion is crushed, the Capitol institutes what becomes known as "The Hunger Games" where 'tributes' two boys and two girls from each district aged 12 -17, are selected by lottery to compete in a nationally televised death match, ending with one survivor known as the 'Champion'. 

About now you're wondering where I'm going with this analogy of fiction begetting reality. In our country we have a law referred to as the "Posse Comitatus Act". This act was the result of  Congressional compromise which led to the swearing in of President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, though he neither won the popular vote or the requisite number of representatives in the electoral college. To pull off this compromise Republican leaders in the Southern States demanded and received the above titled act as compensation for their acquiescence. In essence the act says that under no circumstances are federal troops to be deployed as a occupying force on our shores. 
Why did the Southern States want this bill so badly? Because following the Civil War's end in 1865, our nation entered into a period known as Reconstruction. 
Part of this so called 'Reconstruction' was the long term stationing of federal troops(Peacekeepers?) as a occupying force that the rebellious Southern States had chafed under for 10 years following wars end. Added to the bill in 1956  by Congressional act was the Air Force, with the Navy and Marine Corps following suit by D.o.D. directive, not Congressional legislation. So theoretically D.o.D. could without Congressional approval reverse this voluntary restriction of force application. Also not included under this law are the National Guard or the Coast Guard, as neither are under direct control of the Department of Defense. Coast Guard is now under direction of the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Guards are directed by governors in their respective states. 

So why the civics and history lesson? 
In our nations last defense spending bill the Posse Comitatus Act was suspended.
With the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan our Air Force and CIA have to reposition their vast fleet of sophisticated unmanned drone aircraft. Guess where? Here. The Air Force now wants the Federal Aviation Administration to rubber stamp their request to fly drones in civilian American airspace. Why?

In the novels, the Capitol and District 13 use an insidious weapon referred to as "hovercraft",  deadly silent predators able to surveil, then swoop in on the un-suspecting from above, either obliterating or abducting their human prey in the paralyzing grasp of a mechanical claw.

As yet our drones, at least that I'm aware of, do not have the "abduction" capability so vividly rendered by Ms. Collins in "The Hunger Games", but they've clearly proven to be more than capable with regard to the locating and liquidation of the unknowing.

Our question then becomes: 
"Why is our Capitol in Washington D.C. setting the table, so to speak, for the possible surveillance and occupation of American cities and states by federal military forces?"
If we are shackled to a government which is thoroughly controlled by two firmly entrenched parties of thieves then how do we as a citizenry respond?
American Reality Party

Monday, February 20, 2012

Health Care Reform For California Prisoners

A few days ago my Mother brought an article to my attention in our local newspaper The Sentinel, about one of our State Senators Michael Rubio, and legislation he introduced aimed at reforming and curtailing some pretty outlandish medical benefits provided to the prisoners of California.

For some of us this will be a pretty ho hum topic, for those of you like myself who are married to a spouse with a congenital issue that has dropped her into the disability bracket of life, it will be anything but. To the group who should find this interesting, I would also add those of you who are now receiving Social Security and Medicare.

Apparently prior to this legislation SB 1079, and until it passes, we the taxpayers of this state have been on the hook for some pretty expensive cosmetic procedures for prisoners that have no life threatening conditions. Shall we start with what I believe to be the most egregious example, the instance that brought attention to this issue? Yes, yes I think I will, because the sooner I get this out, the sooner I can shower and scrub away the film of disgust I'm feeling.

In one of our many prisons here, I think we have more than anywhere else in the country, resides a lovely young murderer trapped in the body of a man. He/she wanted a gender re-assignment surgery, performed at the state's expense, and to be transferred to a female prison. YUCK! Shall we all be thankful just this once that the First District Court of Appeal in San Francisco had the good graces to deny this? Yes , oh yes we should.

O.K. I know there are people out there who do feel as though they were assigned the wrong plumbing when they were constructed in the womb, I totally get it, and feel for those who go through life wondering what they really are. If you're a free man/woman and wish to undergo that mutilation be my guest,  but I'll be God damned if I'm going to help pay for that mess.

Among the other treatments that our incarcerated are allowed to receive are: acupuncture, vasectomies, tattoo removal, cosmetic surgeries of all types, breast augmentation.... Excuse me but if I or my wife want any of those procedures,( I don't need boobs, and she doesn't need a vasectomy) it would cost me tens of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands. And that's AFTER Medicare, IF they would have paid anything at all because for the most part these are purely elective surgeries addressing no life threatening condition.

On top of this, and not addressed in SB1079, is the fact that when a prisoner becomes ill, our prison medical teams and outside hospitals who provide treatment are compelled to provide Brand Name Pharmaceuticals exclusively. The only exception to this rule is when the brand name is no longer in production. Those of us out there that spend several hundred dollars each month on generic maintenance drugs for our loved ones should really like that, right? And why are pharmaceuticals not included?
Is it because the doctors lobby in Suckramento isn't as strong as the pharmy boys? H'mmm.

Reality in California is, if you need a medical procedure done on the cheap (I mean free), so that you can avoid medical bankruptcy; commit a crime. But do the paperwork quickly, due to our prison overcrowding, if the crime you commit isn't that serious a felony you won't be behind bars long enough to receive that vasectomy and new boobs you so desperately desire.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Still Arguing for a Third Party...

Throughout this multifarious election campaign we're shackled with, I'm reminded time and time again why I felt the need to begin venting via this blog.

On the one hand we have an incumbent President, who rode to office on a wave of excitement and hope; promising what they all do: change, prosperity, national pride...Whose true focus has been to raise enough money to ensure his re-election. Then on the other hand we have a wildly unelectable trio of very wealthy oligarchs left standing after the church circus sideshow the Republican Primaries are. Mitt, Rick, and Newt. Or is it Moe, Larry, and Curly the Three Stooges with cash and corporate backing?

Either way America, the 66% of us who do the heavy lifting in this country slopping the trough for the other 33% who feed from the tax crib; lose.

All of you still mesmerized by the lie that the Reagan administration was: small government, low taxes... still can't wrap your minds around the fact that the federal government grew under Reagans watch dramatically. Taxes were lowered for sure, but only for the wealthiest 3%. Under Ronnie's direction the deregulation of our banking system began at a rapid pace. Rules and regulations put into place after the Great Depression fell away; allowing the banks and a variety of savings & loan organizations to unleash a slow building tsunami of economic destruction that we're still witnessing today. What I mean by 'still witnessing': it's not over. We have yet to reach the aftermath stage, the wave has not rolled back into the sea, it's still surging inland quietly, persistently, without warning to those it will claim next.

First it was PATCO, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization. When they had the audacity to strike protesting out-dated equipment and working conditions, Uncle Ronnie summarily fired the entire group and decertified their union under the guise of national security. Resulting in a corps of ill-trained overworked, poorly equipped, and still un-represented workers trying desperately to do one of the worlds most mentally demanding jobs.
Throughout the ensuing decades a drum beat of demonization directed at organized labor has grown progressively louder, drowning out the voices of fact and reason; favoring those who benefit most from this rightward swing of the pendulum.
Corporate America.

If you think for a moment that the Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to donate to election campaigns as individuals was not politically motivated by the right wing of the Republican Party then you missed the bus entirely. There is no shelter and you're drenched in a down pour of propaganda. This court, more than any before it is polarized along party lines in such a way that judicial independence has become an afterthought for the people who occupy the bench. Some justices even openly attend functions given by entities with business before the court. Though maybe not illegal in the strictest sense, it certainly is at the very least a conflict of interest. Given that neither justice sees the need to recuse themselves from the case following this demonstration of partisanship does nothing but cause alarm, disgust, and revulsion.

So, faced with the reality that the leaders of both parties are only engaged in a battle for the procurement and maintenance of power. That the partisanship they exhibit is merely a tool of electability, pandering to our basest instincts, while barely concealing the contempt with which they view those they use.
How do we move forward?

With corporate interests bankrolling both parties, who now control us as never before through the Patriot Act, and the latest defense spending bill which suspended Posse Comitatus; our last and best hope for rolling back this wave of fascist government is to form a third party. Those of you who feel as I do must recognize the fact that the suspension of Posse Comitatus is tantamount to a declaration of war against every free thinking citizen of this nation.

Monolithic power in the hands of a rotating cabal of thieves is not democracy friends.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How Wacky Can Religion Get

Normally the religion topic is one I don't find that interesting, except of course when one wishes to impose his superstitions on me, then I become a little more than interested.
Then I become confrontational. Are you hearing me "Retro" Rick Santorum?
I suppose the descendants of Simon Wiesenthal feel the same way. After they had to confront the Mormon Church regarding the posthumous baptism of Mr. Wiesenthal's deceased and very Jewish parents.

So, not only do the living have to bear the harangue of proselytizers, they also hound the dead at their graveside. No rest for the weary, right? I mean really, fighting over dead people? The Mormons believe that they can offer baptism to the dead, and that the departed souls can choose to either accept or deny the invitation. Ties right in with a angel bringing Joe Smith "special" glasses so he could read a ancient tablet he dug up in a field in America. Which oddly enough cannot be found, Joe must have hidden it pretty well, along with his "special" glasses. Really, an ancient tablet found in an area where the indigenous had no written language? Let's say it all together now: "SCAM"

Of course all of the other churches are up in arms over the pilfering of their departed souls; having proven to be irrelevant to the vast majority of the living, and have beseeched the Mormons to cease and desist from the appropriation of any further deceased, famous or not. I guess the rules have changed, now when they keep score, it appears that the team with the most dead people wins, right?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Relevant is the Church Today?

As the Republican Party continues it's desperately flailing (or is that failing) attempt to repeal "ObamaCare" by playing the "Religious Rights" card; the past few days here in the U.S.A. have revealed a stark disconnect between the Church of Rome, it's American hierarchy, and the vast majority of citizens who describe themselves as Catholic.

For those of you not aware of the issue; it is, and it always seems to be (sounds of yawning inserted here,lol), the right of a woman to choose when and under what conditions she will conceive a child. The Catholic faith among others forbid the use of abortion or contraception under any circumstance, including incest and rape. "ObamaCare" dictates that when a church employer provides health insurance to it's employees, that insurance plan cannot exclude contraceptive devices or pharmaceuticals.
H'mmm I think we have a conflict brewing here folks...

Bearing in mind that not all employees of the church are Catholic, and that not all Catholics strive for large families, this mandate at least on the surface, seems entirely reasonable. To me.

Predictably the Church feels differently.
Not only the Catholics, but virtually every established religious faith has voiced their vehement displeasure with this new law, and are working feverishly with their allies in Congress to rid them of what they perceive to be the greatest threat to the continued relevance of their respective orders in this country.
"If women of our faith are allowed to choose how many children they will have; what happens to our church if they choose to have none?"

In America the reality is that traditional church structure has lost its ability to regulate behavior through rigidly conformist societal coercion. In example, a recent segment of NPR's "Talk of the Nation" fielded calls from Catholics representing two sides of the conversation: those who defy church doctrine by actively using birth control, and those who accept church instruction unquestioningly. Not surprisingly the number of Catholics using birth control in America mirrors very closely the numbers of women in the general population also using contraception. A clear majority of American women choose to exercise their reproductive rights through the regular use of contraceptives. Period.

So the first question becomes: Why is it the governments job to enforce church doctrine, when the church itself has so miserably failed? And thus the second question: If the church has to rely on a government to enforce it's doctrine on people who don't share those beliefs; how relevant to society is the church?

Speaking as a person of faith without affiliation to any church I find myself questioning the validity of any man's claim to a moral imperative that places himself between me and God. What I have witnessed in my fifty one years of life, is that people seeking power over others are the fiercest apologists for organized religion. Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist... all have had their fair share of hi-jackers using corrupted tools of their faith to bring misery and subjugation to the masses. Recognizing the fact that gullible, superstitious people constitute the easiest flock to lead; we have been cursed throughout history by those who will use the existing differences and rivalries of faith based factions to further their own selfish goals.

Be they patriarchs, politicians or Popes, ultimately it all comes down to relevance. That relevance is decided by you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Freedom of Religion!?

Let's see a show of hands from those of you unfortunate enough to hear one of the thankfully few, and rare speeches delivered by John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives? Now we know why he performs so infrequently, preferring to manipulate, seldom seen and heard from behind the curtain.

Clearly the man is not a fool, but merely another feeder pandering to a power base, he surely represents in name only. One need only look at the blood shot eyes and bulbous burning red knob protruding from above his copious maw to realize the man likes to drink. A lot. Please, do tell us John as a dedicated public servant dividing your time between Ohio and Washington; how is it you're so tan? Neither of the locales above are known for their tan inducing sunshine. Spending a few weeks and Super Pac dollars in the Florida sun Johnny? Gauging the looks of your visage is akin to the New Years Eve countdown in Times Square; how much longer until that ball drops?

Boner is exceedingly cunning, dangerous for sure, as we have come to expect from the mob boss mentality permeating positions of leadership in government. We find ourselves with a Speaker who is characterizing the Christian Taliban argument against abortion as freedom of religion. Whose religion exactly? When the writers of the Constitution, and Bill of Rights enshrined Freedom of Religion as a basic human right, that proclamation also ensured Freedom From Religion. At least Boner's interpretation of it. With the experience of having lived in a country dominated by one church, the Church of England, our forefathers rightfully proscribed the possibility of there ever being a National Faith. For this I am grateful, being a Christian with a direct personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Now we have a minority movement charging forward with one goal. That goal is to bring a rigidly conservative Christian theocracy to America. Battling against gay marriage, abortion, contraceptive rights, and just about any other issue not directly related to living their own lives. These people have distorted the public conversation in such a way as to bring only gridlock and polarization to the political process. Not to mention the resulting societal divisions occurring along religious lines. Isn't it enough that we haven't dealt with race or gender inequality? Do we really need to add another ingredient to the stew pot of public discontent?

So here's the solution, leave your personal religious beliefs at the door when you check in to vote. Believe me few of us really care what your faith requires, nor is it any of our business. Likewise, my faith and belief system are not in need of your inspection or consent.  Demand that the candidates vying for your votes leave the faith based pandering in their respective houses of worship, so that they will not be dissuaded from the hard tasks at hand leading the greatest republic the world has ever known. Endlessly debating a fifty year old Supreme Court decision is not in the best interest of the nation. Having the ability to choose does not in any way infringe upon the religious rights of anyone; in reality removing that right does indeed have the very effect Boner insists he is protecting.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Susan G. Komen Defunding Planned Parenthood???

So the superstitious amongst us have reared their empty ugly heads again. Small but vocal, like the Moral Minority before them, we have a contingent in the Susan G. Komen Foundation declaring war on a woman's right to choose. People who have forgotten the horror of back room abortions and the unnecessary loss of life resulting from that era, are still pining for a fictional time in history that never was. Once again we have people so distracted from the real issues we all face they feel compelled to cram their religious leanings down America's collective throat like so much rancid cod liver oil.

When, Dear God, when will your believers en masse, receive the blessing of common sense. The endless debate of these personal choice issues is nothing but divisive subterfuge foisted on us and latched onto by well-meaning but ultimately misguided simpletons.

If your believers truly follow you and your message of love and forgiveness; then why do we find them overwhelmed with the task of castigating others for lifestyle choices they don't have to live with? Why Good Lord, are we persecuted by amateur judges straining to meet your perfect example, only to crash in the fiery flames of their only too human hubris? If they do love and, respect you; would it not be wise to ask them to leave the judging up to the Master?

Lord we've had this conversation before, you and I have a personal relationship requiring zero input from any other human, so I'm going to lay it out for everybody else.

When an organization you favor is taking your dollars to promulgate ideas not consistent with your own, it is incumbent upon you to take actions that will have these former receivers of your money, vainly searching far and wide to replace them. If the SGK Foundation will allow itself to be hi-jacked by a tiny collective of narrow minded self serving sanctimonious Bible thumpers, those of you who do not agree with this change in direction must be heard. Defund the SGK, let's see how long they can go without all the 5k walks, and Yoplait lids. How long will the charity trough feeders hang around when the well runs dry? When can we expect to see their bloated bureaucracy cave into common sense and steer clear of the ridiculous religionists attempting to co-opt everything good and right that this foundation once represented?