Monday, March 5, 2012

Russia's Next Move

By now we've all seen the preordained news that Vladimir Putin has been reelected to another term as Russia's president by a landslide margin. Whew! That was close Vlad. You must have been sweating bullets awaiting that vote tally. I mean, it was so close with all of the media in your pockets, and no serious contender running against you. It must have felt like the good old days for sure like 1922 all over again, when uncle Joe ascended the throne.

And yet Vlad you still lose. Not the election you rigged of course, but you've lost what little respect you had amongst not only your own people, but the rest of the civilized world as well. You sold the dignity of Russian democracy for one more turn at total power, just as Stalin surrendered generations of his own for precisely the same reason. What is it with you diminutive dudes anyway? Napoleon, Stalin, Putin, midgets who would be men.

The difference is that today your people are no longer cowed subservients, they recognize when their freedom has been hijacked for the attainment of power by one man. Russian history of the 20th century is littered with the discredited names of those who fought for tyranny, in the face of freedom; only those who choose to ignore their history would claim otherwise.

Vlad, the rest of the world left this whole cult of personality thing behind when your uncle Joey croaked in 1953. Nobody was buying it anyway without it being shoved down the collective throat. Frankly I think you make a huge error in disregarding the clear preference of your people that you leave.
Don't go away mad Vlad, just go away.

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