Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marijuana Myths: The Danger

Mythology; a collection of exaggerated stories intended to sow misinformation, with the goal of promoting propaganda in the face of reality. Sound familiar? No I'm not referring to the never ending election cycle, though I clearly could be. What I'm talking about is this tool your government has been using since 1937 to demonize a medicinal herb used for millennia.

William Randolph Hearst, and his national network of newspapers; cast the spark that sent this nation down an endless path of "Wars", with a new "Czar" appointed to oversee every social engineering failure our nation embarks upon. Ostensibly Mr. Hearst sought to save the nation from the evil scourge of "marihuana"using his publishers pulpit to pounce on a problem of his own creation. Much in the way Rupert Murdoch's papers and news outlets "created" one titillating story after another by illegally tapping phones. Mr. Hearst though had another motive; if he made hemp paper impossible to produce in this country, he and his sycophants would then have free reign to clearcut their federal lease and privately held forestry holdings to feed new paper mills using wood pulp. Thereby allowing Mr Hearst the ability to profit on two fronts, newspapers and newsprint.

Prior to this campaign of deceit, and the invention of the cotton gin, hemp was our nations primary source of fiber for paper, rope, and textiles. Benjamin Franklin wore clothing made of "homespun" hemp fabrics during his time abroad representing our nation as a diplomat. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are both printed on hemp paper. Renewable, cost effective, and far more versatile than wood pulp or cotton; hemp was the fiber that built this nation. From the paper used in our most revered documents, to the rope that rigged the USS Constitution, the very history of America is written in and on hemp.

So why are we still fighting this "war"?
Why is it that everything the government does has to wear the "war" moniker anyway?
We all know that hemp and marijuana provide the raw material for many superior products, including medicine, so why does our government cling to hidebound fallacies of the past?

Reality is, the only dangers associated with marijuana are the ones our government inflicts upon us.
Those dangers include but are not limited to: arrest, prosecution, and incarceration.
Loss of employment, savings, social status, and assets seized by the government even when they can't prove they originated from a crime.

Last but certainly not least is the larger more ominous danger corresponding to the rise of the 'cartels', whose very murderous existence was brought to you by the government of the United States of America.

Now you all understand how marijuana became dangerous, and why.

All Poster Sourced: Google Images

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