Many papers and pundits are calling the Retardican primary for Romney now.
Retro Rick fading fast like a single candle at the end of a very long dark tunnel.
Gingrich's money bag Ancient Adelson advising Newt and Callista that the book tour goes on without him and his dollars. Nobody's really sure what happened to Ron Paul.
That only leaves us a brief seven months to get acquainted with Mitt.
As sacrificial lambs go, so goes Mitt unto the fire of an election he's doomed to lose. Hear me now believe me later, Barry wins in a landslide. This Retardican Primary more so than any before it, has rendered the unelectable like so much pink slime oozing from a meat processing centrifuge.
Bombastic statements followed by evermore radical right religionist promises of social reform along the lines of melding church and state; have shown the Retardicans to be completely disconnected from the main stream of American thought.
While the Retardicans flail their stubby little limbs about attempting to herd the cats that have become their party; the Dumbocrats rest on Barry's laurels, such as they are.
Hoping that the debacle of Nancy "HRM"Pelosi as Speaker can be overcome by the recent memory of the Boner lead House. Seriously, when in our history have we had two such completely incompetent pirates back to back like Boner and "HRM", running the house?
Really good pirates like Tip O'Neill held the post for years on end, passing out committee seats like presents at Christmas, which they are. If the Retardicans lose the house, will the "Queen of Insider Trading", "HRM" Pelosi retake the position? Will she bury the legislation barring the trading that has made her a very wealthy woman?
Let's all say it together now--Dead On Arrival; much like the muscles in Nancy's overly botoxed face.
Reality in America precludes rational thought in politics, because the candidates insist upon separating the herd through polarizing topics of personal choice, rather than focusing on the issues that plague us all. In the case of Romney, his call to action for the masses consists of nothing more than:
"I'm the only one of the unelectable who has a remote chance of unseating Barry...want to bet ten grand?"
Beyond that, Mitt has no intention of reintroducing strong manufacturing jobs to our hungry workforce; he's already proven himself to be one hell of a union buster via Bain Capitol, thereby decimating thousands of jobs that did provide middle class incomes to families across the country.
Mitt also advocated for the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler, which would have sent droves of workers into the unemployment lines; pushing the UAW into the dustbin of history while in the process making collective bargaining in American industry a thing of the past.
One thing you can say about the Retardicans though is that they do have an agenda, crystal clear virulently anti common man with an eye towards our ultimate subjugation. Think Vonnegut's "Wreaks and Wrecks", hordes of underemployed roaming the streets with brooms and shovels cleaning the roads for the oligarchs who automated meaningful labor for the enrichment of the few.
The Dumbocrats on the other hand seem only interested in the gathering and maintenance of personal power and wealth, as they indulge the whims of their fringe interest groups. Continually promising reform but consistently handing us over to the same oligarchy that sustains the opposition. Barry Care or Obama Care is a fine example. Rather than offering the public real affordable medical care, this plan does nothing more than make us obligatory customers of the most rapacious industry in America.
The Insurance industry.
Two party's, one goal; separate you from your money, your rights, your power.
Photo Source: Associated Press
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