How many of you heard Barry's latest civil liberty proclamation today?
The better question is: How many of you believe him?
Personally I'm experiencing a little deja vu here; remember the 2008 election when Barry told us that he supported medical marijuana, and would not prosecute in states were medical marijuana laws were in force? I may not clearly remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, but I do have a strong recall of that particular statement.
We all know what happened to that promise don't we?
Or perhaps we should ask Richard Lee the founder of Oaksterdam University, how true to his word Barry is?
Now he's telling our gay citizens that he supports their right to marriage.
More election year pandering to a constituency he was going to carry anyway. Why?
Will he follow the same modus operandi for gay marriage as he has with marijuana, lulling us

Will our government deploy the same drones they intend to use for general surveillance of the populace, to also monitor lifestyle choices?
Clearly they'll be operating their drones over our homes and public lands, not to keep us safe, but to keep us in line.
Here it is my gay friends; Barry's asking you to all come out into the light, become public with your relationships and with his blessing marry.
All I ask is that you question why?
Cartoon Source: ijreview.com
Photo Source: newsday.com
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