Monday, February 27, 2012

GOP: Grossly Outdated Party, "Retro" Rick Edition

Friends, we are truly fortunate to have today another great example of why we require a third party to contest elections in this country. In todays papers across the nation, "Retro"Rick Santorum finally came out. Came out against, one of the guiding principles of our nations Constitution, the separation of church and state.

Eschewing two hundred plus years of American Constitutional thought; "Retro" Ricky has decided that you and I would be better served living under the direction of his church. This very question of religious interference in politics nearly derailed the candidacy of our first Catholic President John F. Kennedy half a century ago. But in todays American reality, some very misguided voters are actually of the mind that we would do well to surrender our political fortunes and futures to a collection of people who live and breathe the past.

Don't be mistaken, this guy is a serious contender for the nomination for President of the Republican Party. Certainly Barry's hoping he gets the nod. If the planks in his platform were any narrower, Ricky would be walking the line of sobriety like a drunk driver for a cop, one dopey foot plopped down in front of the other, tripping over his own toes. Just as he trips over his outmoded ideas vainly attempting to attract voters other than those who sport a third grade education. Which if you've heard his latest pearls of anti wisdom regarding education being for the elite, we can see quite clearly where he's headed with that. People with little or no education are far easier to lead than those who can think for themselves.

This is a candidate who insists that his views on women's health issues are relevant in some way to life in the twenty first century. Heck the proposition that any of his views are consistent with the ideals, that we as Americans have fought and died for throughout our history, is a long stretch of the imagination.

"Retro", this nation was founded on the principle that no man or woman can be compelled to follow any religious belief system not in harmony with their own. Freedom of Religion as enshrined in our Constitution, and Bill of Rights implies that your beliefs are yours to live with, because you voluntarily without coercion whole heartedly agree with the doctrine and dogma of that faith. Your efforts through candidacy for President on behalf of religionists, is nothing but an assault on one of our forefathers most cherished freedoms.

Fortunately for you too many Americans are blissfully ignorant of what happens when church usurps state. Personally I think of two places where this currently occurs, and I would never reside in either place, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

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