Monday, December 17, 2012

American Tragedy

This last Friday December 14 2012, the world bore witness to yet another psychotic atrocity.
A young man loaded with weapons, ammo, and untreated delusions; destroyed the lives of every man woman and child in Newtown, Connecticut. After he killed his mother, and just before he terminated his own sorry excuse for existence, his actions took the lives of twenty kids in the first grade, and six adults valiantly attempting to stop the carnage.

In the aftermath of this inexplicable rampage, our society's knee jerk reaction is to regurgitate tired, old, and thoroughly disproven ideas of gun control, and prohibition of ownership of certain types of firearms.
Am I the only one looking at this from the standpoint of other failed prohibition attempts?
Why can't we as a nation face the fact that there are a very small number of us who must be institutionalized to protect the vast majority from these behaviors.

America has very little to offer it's citizens in the way of pre-emptive protection from the insane; 'twas not always the case dear reader, but due to the legal actions of certain civil liberty organizations, society's safety net of asylums for the insane has been largely dismantled. Thus we have the tragedy we had Friday; a mother out of her depth trying to homeschool a son who should have had professional help in a secure residential facility. Far from other children, weapons, and his mother who would no doubt still be alive were the option open to her.

People, we can all agree when children are senselessly massacred as they were December 14th, change must occur. But that change must not promulgate an entirely new set of problems for our society to confront. People kill people, the gun only operates at the behest of the human. If we go forward with any type of gun prohibition we blindly cast aside the lessons of our history, hard fought and often times futile.

Just a few short weeks ago,we witnessed the first strategic blow against another exercise in prohibition futility when Washington state citizens voted for the legalization of marijuana. With weed having been illegal for like 80 years, and evermore people imbibing, the reality of the situation for most forward thinkers has set in. Prohibition does not work. The genie has been out of the bottle for so long now, his descendants are intermarried with all of our clans.

The same is also true of guns in America, the reality is there are more guns floating around legally and illegally in our country now than at anytime in the history of man, that controlling them in any way is farcical in the extreme.
Ask yourselves, with all of the money and resources dedicated to the interdiction of drugs, the fact that drugs of greater variety and power are available in ever increasing quantities; what is the likelihood that a gun ban will work? Like drugs, they will only arrive in greater volume, be more powerful, and available to anyone with cash. No regulatory oversight, no taxes to pay, just one more chance for corrupt overpaid bureaucrats to look the other way while they take the gold rather than the lead.

Barry, you need to seize this opportunity to step up Barry Care to include mental health facilities that have been sorely lacking in our nation for decades. Your chief chip on the table to Boehner is the promise not to go after gun legislation. This episode should have lifted the veil from all of our eyes, it is imperative to pro-actively treat those in need rather than incarcerating or burying them and a whole bunch of others later.

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