A few weeks ago the NCAA came out and said to the chagrin of parents everywhere, and a stunned by pepper spray nation, that the Reggie Bush case, and the pedophile at Penn State were "not comparable"; as reasoning for not releasing USC from their onerous sanctions, while easing up on PSU.
Today we find out that PSU is paying out $59.7 million to 26 victims of the pedophile they allowed free reign to rape and destroy.
Hmmm, not comparable.... yet PSU is released from most of their NCAA penalty for losing institutional control, admitting that moral failure by paying out nearly $60mil, and the NCAA hands them a hall pass.
How is this even possible in the real world?
Aren't we all just a little shocked that the people running the NCAA are telling us that; the alleged never proven allegations against the Bush family for accepting money from a independent sports agent are somehow more reprehensible than a skeezy old man, and longtime PSU employee raping 26 little boys in the campus shower?
USC never gave the Bush family a dime outside the scholarship earned by Reggie to play ball.
No coach at 'SC has ever been accused of the crimes that piece of crap is now serving time for.
So how does 'SC's "loss of institutional control" come out being demonized as far worse than what PSU allowed their employee to perpetrate on their property?
The sports agent involved in the Bush case was not an employee of USC.
He did not woo the Bush's on campus with dollars and automobiles; and if he had would we still look at him as though he'd fallen down a few rungs on the ladder of life below a pedophile?
Not on the ladder I climb. There is no rung for pedophiles.
Sandusky was an employee of PSU, a longtime employee, and trusted friend of Joe Paterno's.
He used that position to prey on at least 26 young boys whose parents trusted him without reservation vis a vis his connection to PSU and Paterno.
PSU should not only be disallowed a year of particpation in all NCAA sports for every year the pedophile preyed on the prepubescent while on the PSU campus, they should also forfeit an additional year for each of his victims.
Which for me at the age of 52 would mean, that I would never have to be reminded of their "loss of institutional control" on cool fall Saturdays, ever again.
I feel better already.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Midget in a Minefield
What does one say about Vlad's, ham handed moves at trying to reassemble the USSR?
Extortion, bribery, outright threats of economic destruction, cutting gas and oil shipments to countries whose only means of keeping their populations alive during harsh northern European winters, lies in their ability to import Russian stores.
Yeah Vlad I believe when you threaten an entire nation with freezing, that might be considered un-neighborly in your parts, the rest of the world looks on that as a crime against humanity.
But how would you recognize such a thing?
Wouldn't actually being a human be a prerequsite for understanding crimes against humanity?
Stalin, wasn't human, neither were Hitler or Mao.
Unfortunately for the Russians, and their former friends in the USSR, a troglodyte from a past era has foisted himself on a long suffering people.
Why do the power hungry Putin's of diminutive proportions always stick their tiny little hands into the public pie?
Forcing their own myopic vision on those who can see.
What is going on in that itty bitty little brain, behind those blank beady blue eyes?
Russia, the midget you've allowed to become czar, has placed your entire nation in the midst of a minefield.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Ted Cruz Retardican Lost
Dear Ted,
Almost singlehanded, you have taken the Retardican Party, and pushed this esteemed organization to the brink of extinction.
Think Whig Party.
Cruz baby, you wigged out, enlisted your Tea Partyin' cohort to the trainwreck that is your policy, and nearly wiped out any remaining semblance of American credibility.
You've left me quite a job in damage control.
Never mind the lasting consequences of your actions on the GOP; focus instead on what you've done to convince the rest of the world that we are a ship without a rudder.
Your boy Boehner, equally at fault; I've seen Jackson Galaxy have more success herding cats, than the Boner has with his ship of fools.
With all of the recent emphasis on mental health in our nation, perhaps we should start with the Retardican contingent in Congress.
Group lobotomies anyone?
Someday (hopefully), you guys will understand that the economics of the nation bears as much resemblance to a household budget, as Boner does to a caring human being.
None at all.
We can also say the same for you Ted, your asshole buddy Paul Ryan, and all of your other feeble minded oligarchy building numbnuts.
Reagan's assault on the middle class is over; and your time is running short Ted.
Continued Sucksess Ted,
Your President
Barry O'Bama
Almost singlehanded, you have taken the Retardican Party, and pushed this esteemed organization to the brink of extinction.
Think Whig Party.
Cruz baby, you wigged out, enlisted your Tea Partyin' cohort to the trainwreck that is your policy, and nearly wiped out any remaining semblance of American credibility.
You've left me quite a job in damage control.
Never mind the lasting consequences of your actions on the GOP; focus instead on what you've done to convince the rest of the world that we are a ship without a rudder.
Your boy Boehner, equally at fault; I've seen Jackson Galaxy have more success herding cats, than the Boner has with his ship of fools.
With all of the recent emphasis on mental health in our nation, perhaps we should start with the Retardican contingent in Congress.
Group lobotomies anyone?
Someday (hopefully), you guys will understand that the economics of the nation bears as much resemblance to a household budget, as Boner does to a caring human being.
None at all.
We can also say the same for you Ted, your asshole buddy Paul Ryan, and all of your other feeble minded oligarchy building numbnuts.
Reagan's assault on the middle class is over; and your time is running short Ted.
Continued Sucksess Ted,
Your President
Barry O'Bama
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Sports Reflection
Having read today that USC's appeal against NCAA sanctions, those imposed in the wake of the Reggie Bush scandal; had been denied I really didn't think much about it.
Not much, until that is, I read the quote attributed to NCAA spokesperson Meghan Durham:
" There is no comparison betwen the USC and Penn State cases."
You know I'm with her; there is no comparison.
I mean how can anyone compare a school being penalized for one student taking money to play football; with another school being penalized for allowing a longtime employee free reign to rape little boys in the school locker room for years on end?
Well said Meghan, there can be no rational comparison.
However, in speaking for the NCAA you have just thrown a mirrors stark reflection back on one of the key areas where America just can't seem to get it right.
We place no value in protecting our children from pedophiles, especially when the guy can coach football.
Well at least until he's exposed...
So now the NCAA has just come out and said what our courts and society have been saying forever.
That fictional amateur status of college athletes is seriously more important than the vetting and prosecution of serial pedophiles.
I can't be the only guy who finds this state of affairs fundamentally flawed. Am I?
Way to go Meghan, hope you don't have a little boy or girl who falls into a Sandusky Trap.
If you do, and God forbid some heinous piece of crap ever touches your child; will you ever be able to look back on this statement and stand by it?
Will you be able to look back and say "I did the right thing"?
How do you face your mirror every morning look yourself in the eye, and believe such a thing?
I'm mystified.
Not much, until that is, I read the quote attributed to NCAA spokesperson Meghan Durham:
" There is no comparison betwen the USC and Penn State cases."
You know I'm with her; there is no comparison.
I mean how can anyone compare a school being penalized for one student taking money to play football; with another school being penalized for allowing a longtime employee free reign to rape little boys in the school locker room for years on end?
Well said Meghan, there can be no rational comparison.
However, in speaking for the NCAA you have just thrown a mirrors stark reflection back on one of the key areas where America just can't seem to get it right.
We place no value in protecting our children from pedophiles, especially when the guy can coach football.
Well at least until he's exposed...
So now the NCAA has just come out and said what our courts and society have been saying forever.
That fictional amateur status of college athletes is seriously more important than the vetting and prosecution of serial pedophiles.
I can't be the only guy who finds this state of affairs fundamentally flawed. Am I?
Way to go Meghan, hope you don't have a little boy or girl who falls into a Sandusky Trap.
If you do, and God forbid some heinous piece of crap ever touches your child; will you ever be able to look back on this statement and stand by it?
Will you be able to look back and say "I did the right thing"?
How do you face your mirror every morning look yourself in the eye, and believe such a thing?
I'm mystified.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Michael Hastings 2.0 The Tox Report
Predictable: Actions taken, words spoken, both easily foretold by those paying attention.
Not Websters, but my own definition, relating entirely to the tactics employed by our leadership in the continuing character assasination of Michael Hastings.
Many remember Mr. Hastings and his article in Rolling Stone that brought down the career of General Stanley Mc Chrystal.
How after meeting with a person of interest in his continuing reporting on the War of Terror, his new Mercedes roadster accelerated on the streets of Hancock Park, L.A. into a tree during an early a.m. single car "accident"...Of course L.A.s Coroner found drugs in the toxicology report, that was a pre-ordained given. No alcohol, but they did find medical marijuana and amphetamine.
I'm guessing the speed inspired him to drive his car as fast as possible into the tree?
Just to see how fast he could get there?
Or he was so despondent over his notoriety, PTSD, and the medical MJ he decided to end it?
If it were not so ominous a warning against those who dig to deep; it would be almost laughable in the way it mirrors the old Soviet system of "death by accident", while simultaneously destroying the dead persons public image with tales of drunken drug fueled debauchery.
Really, don't you think that well has run dry?
How gullible are we?
Rest in Peace Michael Hastings, rest in peace.
Not Websters, but my own definition, relating entirely to the tactics employed by our leadership in the continuing character assasination of Michael Hastings.
Many remember Mr. Hastings and his article in Rolling Stone that brought down the career of General Stanley Mc Chrystal.
How after meeting with a person of interest in his continuing reporting on the War of Terror, his new Mercedes roadster accelerated on the streets of Hancock Park, L.A. into a tree during an early a.m. single car "accident"...Of course L.A.s Coroner found drugs in the toxicology report, that was a pre-ordained given. No alcohol, but they did find medical marijuana and amphetamine.
I'm guessing the speed inspired him to drive his car as fast as possible into the tree?
Just to see how fast he could get there?
Or he was so despondent over his notoriety, PTSD, and the medical MJ he decided to end it?
If it were not so ominous a warning against those who dig to deep; it would be almost laughable in the way it mirrors the old Soviet system of "death by accident", while simultaneously destroying the dead persons public image with tales of drunken drug fueled debauchery.
Really, don't you think that well has run dry?
How gullible are we?
Rest in Peace Michael Hastings, rest in peace.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Brezhnev 2.0
Vlad is really rocking the retro Soviet show trial thing.
Last week he ordered a court to find a dead man guilty.
This week he orders another court to convict his chief naysayer on trumped up embezzlement charges.
Hey, maybe you can dig up the Czar and kill him again?
You're a busy dude Vlad, checking your decrepit conscription armed forces during the largest post Soviet war games; riding in a sub, the only thing I haven't see you do is inoculate kids against disease.
I mean a midget with your talents should never allow himself to be limited when the cult of personality is still under construction. Too many ways to endear yourself to the people with propaganda based in fantasy.
Then again isn't all your propaganda fantasy?
Unlike our own leaders who bungle about blindly killing innocents with "signature strikes" from drones; you target your foes with phony legal charges, long predetermined sentences in far off gulags...
Actually you're not a whole lot different than Barry are you?
Barry likes to hide behind "state secrets", keeps people locked up without charge or trial for years on end in a prison he promised to close six long years ago. Prosecutes in secret courts without real due process, and allows testimony derived from torture to be used in those courts.
So no Vlad, you're no worse than Barry the Constitutional law professor.
What does that say about us?
The people who allow ourselves to be lead by evil?
Last week he ordered a court to find a dead man guilty.
This week he orders another court to convict his chief naysayer on trumped up embezzlement charges.
Hey, maybe you can dig up the Czar and kill him again?
You're a busy dude Vlad, checking your decrepit conscription armed forces during the largest post Soviet war games; riding in a sub, the only thing I haven't see you do is inoculate kids against disease.
I mean a midget with your talents should never allow himself to be limited when the cult of personality is still under construction. Too many ways to endear yourself to the people with propaganda based in fantasy.
Then again isn't all your propaganda fantasy?
Unlike our own leaders who bungle about blindly killing innocents with "signature strikes" from drones; you target your foes with phony legal charges, long predetermined sentences in far off gulags...
Actually you're not a whole lot different than Barry are you?
Barry likes to hide behind "state secrets", keeps people locked up without charge or trial for years on end in a prison he promised to close six long years ago. Prosecutes in secret courts without real due process, and allows testimony derived from torture to be used in those courts.
So no Vlad, you're no worse than Barry the Constitutional law professor.
What does that say about us?
The people who allow ourselves to be lead by evil?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Blocked by the Fresno Bee
Good morning dear readers, today as normal, I began my day by reading the local rag on line with my morning joe.
Also as usual I logged in to Disqus so I might comment on the never ending cycle of stupidity that is Fresno City and County government.
Many times in the past I have participated in the Disqus forum attached to the Fresno Bee fish wrap rag, tweaking our abundantly illiterate, ignorant population spouting Faux News idioms.
This morning when I attempted to weigh in on Mayor Ashley Swearingen's plan to overpay herself and the Chief of Police Jerry Dyer; by laying off city workers who actually do the day to day heavy lifting required to run a city of 500,000 plus, I could not.
Ashley's unilateral move laying off vital code enforcement officers is clearly a retaliatory move in the wake of her failed attempt to privatize trash collection in Fresno.
Kudos to the good citizens of Fresno who voted her efforts at political patrimony into the dustbin
Yes in the past I have used, shall we say direct language, to describe the blatant incompetence and corruption exhibited by the leaders of Fresno; but nothing to warrant being blocked from commenting in the local governments mouthpiece.
Unless of course you happen to be Ashley, Jerry or the equally monstrous Maggie Mims.
For instance; in the past I have commented on Maggies' running a revolving door of criminality through her jail by allowing the nations most prolific car thieves to make Fresno number one in car theft.
Her penchant for misquoting law, placing the county in tenuous legal territory with regard to the medical marijuana issue; and worst of all her completely inept handling of the Minkler incident, have made her a favorite target.
Jerry Dyer is a trough feeding muscle bound steroid pumping bully.
He takes a full salary from the city to be chief, AND he collects a retirement pension from the city at the same time.
He retired so he could protect .25% of his 8.25% tax payer funded public pension; but because he's so "irreplaceable" Ashley lobbied hard for him to get a raise and stay on.
Who knew that anyone could be so indispensable, so worthy of becoming a millionaire at the public expense.
Jerry, you're having too much fun, and find it far too easy to harass the homeless than it is to take on gang bangers on their turf.
Last and least is Ashley, her attempts to gut the city of workers, while handing that work to her campaign contributors; with an eye towards using those funds to overpay herself and Jerry is just the tip of the iceberg. How about the street she wants to put through Fulton Mall.
Ashley take a trip to Pasadena, wander around the Paseo Pasadena, with your city credit card of course, and get a good idea of what Fulton Mall could be.
You'll notice a street does not run through it.
Also as usual I logged in to Disqus so I might comment on the never ending cycle of stupidity that is Fresno City and County government.
Many times in the past I have participated in the Disqus forum attached to the Fresno Bee fish wrap rag, tweaking our abundantly illiterate, ignorant population spouting Faux News idioms.
This morning when I attempted to weigh in on Mayor Ashley Swearingen's plan to overpay herself and the Chief of Police Jerry Dyer; by laying off city workers who actually do the day to day heavy lifting required to run a city of 500,000 plus, I could not.
Ashley's unilateral move laying off vital code enforcement officers is clearly a retaliatory move in the wake of her failed attempt to privatize trash collection in Fresno.
Kudos to the good citizens of Fresno who voted her efforts at political patrimony into the dustbin
Yes in the past I have used, shall we say direct language, to describe the blatant incompetence and corruption exhibited by the leaders of Fresno; but nothing to warrant being blocked from commenting in the local governments mouthpiece.
Unless of course you happen to be Ashley, Jerry or the equally monstrous Maggie Mims.
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Source: Google Images |
Her penchant for misquoting law, placing the county in tenuous legal territory with regard to the medical marijuana issue; and worst of all her completely inept handling of the Minkler incident, have made her a favorite target.
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Source:Google Images |
He takes a full salary from the city to be chief, AND he collects a retirement pension from the city at the same time.
He retired so he could protect .25% of his 8.25% tax payer funded public pension; but because he's so "irreplaceable" Ashley lobbied hard for him to get a raise and stay on.
Who knew that anyone could be so indispensable, so worthy of becoming a millionaire at the public expense.
Jerry, you're having too much fun, and find it far too easy to harass the homeless than it is to take on gang bangers on their turf.
Last and least is Ashley, her attempts to gut the city of workers, while handing that work to her campaign contributors; with an eye towards using those funds to overpay herself and Jerry is just the tip of the iceberg. How about the street she wants to put through Fulton Mall.
Ashley take a trip to Pasadena, wander around the Paseo Pasadena, with your city credit card of course, and get a good idea of what Fulton Mall could be.
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Source: Google Images |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Immigration Reform: Welfare for Defense Contractors
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Is it just me or is history repeating itself?? Source: Google Images |
Question: How does a nation ween itself from an economy heavily weighted towards the waging of war, and the production and export of war material?
Answer: We don't.
We take those weapons, sensors, and manpower and use them to militarize one of our two peaceful borders.
Why? Two reasons; first we have to satisfy the governments' manufactured xenophobia permeating the old angry white people among us, who simply fear people with brown skin.
Second, and perhaps even more insidious; we have an economy based on building and using tools of destruction.
If our nation is not involved in a war directly, our proxies provide a ready market for some of our excess capacity.
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Sounds familiar doesn't it? Source: Google Images |
Naturally the solution is to use these tools at home in new "Wars of Paranoia" by building a larger, more obtrusive Big Brother State.
Witness the IRS training agents to use AR-15 assault rifles, Department of Homeland Security buying all the hollow point ammo they can get their hands on.
Department of Homeland Security...so reminiscent of the German Gestapo protecting the Fatherland.
Can we get more Orwellian?
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Let's all sign up today! Source: Google Images |
Can we get more Orwellian?
What happens after we have "secured" the border with Mexico; Boeing, Lockheed et al, will still need more war work to satisfy their millionaire and billionaire shareholders.
Does Mexico then become a "legitimate" target for drone strikes under the ruse of providing safe haven to the drug cartels we created?
When will Barry or one of his successors apply the use of "signature" strikes to the "War on Drugs"?
Have we already crossed that line Barry?
Considering we operate freely around the globe, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
Will we then militarize our border with Canada?
Does Mexico then become a "legitimate" target for drone strikes under the ruse of providing safe haven to the drug cartels we created?
When will Barry or one of his successors apply the use of "signature" strikes to the "War on Drugs"?
Have we already crossed that line Barry?
Considering we operate freely around the globe, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
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Holy crow! The Canadians are coming! |
Under what guise?
Imminent invasion of the Canucks?
In reality, these expenditures are not about keeping the Mexicans out, it's about keeping US in line.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tragic Accident or Assassination?
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Author/reporter Michael Hastings 1980-2013. Died suspiciously just hours after an email warning to colleagues of Feds investigating journalistic practices. Source: Google images |
I guess I could have used all kinds of adjectives in that first line describing, shock, surprise, amazement that a life so young was snuffed in it's prime...
In reality, I'm not surprised at all.
Neither should anyone be surprised who's paying attention to the U.S of King Barry.
People are dying all over the planet in Barry's War of Terror.
Yeah, Barry's War of Terror.
Barry is the Terror.
Constitutional Law Professor Barry.
Barry the President, making his own rules in such a way, that Dickless Cheney's salivating like a pit bull on a side of raw beef.
Barry who OK's the killing of US citizens without due process.
Then kills their kids.
Michael Hastings, the journalist who wrote the article in Rolling Stone that killed General Stanley Mc Chrystal's career, was also killed.
In a single car crash in Hancock Park, Los Angeles.
Is that perhaps the first single car fatality in Hancock Park's history?
If you're not familiar with the area, Hancock Park is probably the most expensive part of the City Of Angels proper.
Nice wide, well lit streets, clean smooth pavement.
Healthy 33 year olds who can drive, don't just die in single car wrecks in Hancock Park.
In my experience the only cars that catch fire after hitting trees in quiet residential neighborhoods are Ford Pinto's.
Or they've been rigged to burn by someone ensuring death.
Pretty sure Mr. Hastings was not driving a Pinto.
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Michael Hastings' Mercedes Source: Google Images |
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Gun Control: Means Use Two Hands
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Unfortunately this tragedy is only compounded by the fool's rush to false judgment regarding the cause of this unspeakable crime.
When we all stand back, and take a cold hard look at the facts surrounding the majority of mass shootings, one truism stands above the rest; every one of these perps is nuts.
Certifiable. Straight jacket wearing, rubber room living people; who for the safety of the vast majority must be identified, institutionalized.
In short, a tiny minuscule percentage of our population who own guns, also match the above description.
Guns, like all machines requiring human interface have no capacity for evil or insanity of their own.
Those traits are strictly under the purview of man.
We as humans must recognize that we have a duty to our fellow citizens; that duty is to not allow familial love to cloud our judgments.
We have to be willing to acknowledge reality when it smacks us upside the head like a round from a AR-15. By then it's usually too late.
Mentally unstable members of our families must never be allowed to own, operate, or possess for any reason or period of time any fire arm. Period. Isn't that logical?
If the irrepressible urge to murder innocents arises, and "Box of Rocks Billy" doesn't know how to use, or have access to a gun, the chances for successfully stopping a slaughter have greatly increased. Right?
But then, what if "Box of Rocks Billy" finds, (yes he reads!) the recipe for a fertilizer bomb online like Timmy McVeigh did.
Decides that a truck bomb, even in that deranged dysfunctional brain of his, is a far more efficient way to take down a school.
Will banning assault weapons, ammo clips, hell even slingshots for that matter save a single life in that school?
Do you think it would have stopped Timmy?
Will we outlaw U-Haul's next?
Know this people, as did Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Commander in Chief of Japan's combined fleet during WWII, the only reason this nation will never be invaded is because every other nation on Earth, knows that behind every blade of grass lies a gun waiting for the opportunity to defend the freedom hard won over nearly 250 years of nation hood.
2nd amendment,
Adam Lanza,
assault weapons,
gun control,
mental health,
Nancy Lanza,
Newtown Connecticut,
Sandy Hook,
school shooting,
Tim Mc Veigh,
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Mr. Brown Part 2
Just received word from my client, that after two weeks and one day; the bright new full of promise, six pound package of DMX lighting equipment I shipped from California finally, heroically arrived in Dallas, Texas. Wearing the road weary countenance of a trackside hobo shelter, my poor piece of cardboard cartonry collapsed on the shipping dock breathing it's last, destined for the burn pile.
This is Texas man, we burn all that shit!
It only travelled from Cali to Texas, back again to Cali, before wending it's way by goat path back to dynamic Big D. Land of the Great UCF Blackhole, where all worthy parcels are lost in the expanse of space populated by the especially lame and foolish.
Given the time it took to travel, the condition it arrived in, the very "special handling" attention received; one can safely assume the Pony Express rides again.
Resurrected from the graveyard of bad ideas by our friends at UCF.
How else but by rider and fastest horse(?) could we explain the amazing speed, and dedication to service we witnessed in the discharge of this duty under such harrowing conditions.
Next time for me personally I'd really really appreciate it if your rider 'er I mean driver tried tying the package down to the saddle bag rather than dragging it behind the fucking horse...
Thanks UCF, making a living in this economic climate isn't hard enough.
You're two weeks late, left me a hundred grand short, and an incredibly bad taste in my mouth for brown.
This is Texas man, we burn all that shit!
It only travelled from Cali to Texas, back again to Cali, before wending it's way by goat path back to dynamic Big D. Land of the Great UCF Blackhole, where all worthy parcels are lost in the expanse of space populated by the especially lame and foolish.
Given the time it took to travel, the condition it arrived in, the very "special handling" attention received; one can safely assume the Pony Express rides again.
Resurrected from the graveyard of bad ideas by our friends at UCF.
How else but by rider and fastest horse(?) could we explain the amazing speed, and dedication to service we witnessed in the discharge of this duty under such harrowing conditions.
Next time for me personally I'd really really appreciate it if your rider 'er I mean driver tried tying the package down to the saddle bag rather than dragging it behind the fucking horse...
Thanks UCF, making a living in this economic climate isn't hard enough.
You're two weeks late, left me a hundred grand short, and an incredibly bad taste in my mouth for brown.
Mendocino County vs. Feds, Reality Strikes
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Source: Google Images |
With an eye on opening an old industry to new players, while adding taxes to the treasury through entrepreneurial know how, and job creation right here at home; America has been profoundly blessed with a new generation of business and civic leaders eager to tackle two of our society's most glaring deficiencies.
First, the role marijuana plays in society; it's medical, moral, and recreational use.
Second, the elimination of the criminal cartels we allowed to take root in all of North/South American society; their continued spread to Africa in search of new consumers, and trans-shipping routes to Europe.
Suffice it to say, the troglodytes in Federal bureaucratic positions have made these endeavors harder by the moment; every time they lean back on laws promulgated by thieves (Nixon), and enforced by followers of Don Quixote (Holder, Haag). I mean what the heck, if you've got a model that's clearly dysfunctional, wasting money and lives as though they were only words, wouldn't any sane person believe that's the right path? Really?
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Source: Google Images |
How refreshing would it be if we all had local leaders standing up to the Feds; as the leaders of Mendocino County are to old misguided unenforceable models of prohibition that our retrograde relics in federal power cling to?
Get a clue Barry, instruct (with crayon stick figure drawings if need be) Herr Holder and his henchwench Haag to find more meaningful ways to blow the hard earned tax dollars they throw at the unachievable, and redirect that energy to ending the corruption that permeates our government.
Like you've said before there are far bigger fish to fry.
Get your oil boiling brother, we want to see some action that resembles reality rather than the tragic comedy that's defined governmental position since the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act.
Barack Obama,
global recession,
Mendocino County,
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Ubiquitous Mr. Brown
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Source: Google Images |
Some like myself have had other, shall we say more memorable experiences with Mr. Brown; like the time they lost my banking and tax info within Los Angeles County... for more than a year!
This time however, they've really outdone their usual incompetence.
I was scheduled this past Monday to fly to Dallas for a sales presentation; one week prior to my departure I made the grave error of entrusting a shipment of my sales tools, one thousand dollars worth of DMX lighting controls, to UPS.
That shipment originating January 7, 2013 was due to arrive in Dallas, Monday the 14th of January, just in time for my $100,000 presentation, and in fact was in Mesquite Texas as of the 12th of January.
Guess what? It didn't make it.
Where is it now dear reader? Why it's on it's way to Stockton California of course! About 250 miles north of where it originated. Insert circus clown music here:
"Doot, doot doodle, doodle, doot, doot, doo doo..."
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Visual Approximation |
That's what I call genius.
Given the nature of this company's way of doing business, I feel it necessary to promote a new name for this mismanaged freight giant.
From this day forward the UPS company shall be known as the UCF:
Unbelievable Cluster Fuck
The new company motto:
"How Can Brown Fuck You?"
"Flush Your Business Down with Mr. Brown"
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