Monday, October 28, 2013

Revisiting the NCAA, USC, Reggie Bush, Penn State and the pedophile

A few weeks ago the NCAA came out and said to the chagrin of parents everywhere, and a stunned by pepper spray nation, that the Reggie Bush case, and the pedophile at Penn State were "not comparable"; as reasoning for not releasing USC from their onerous sanctions, while easing up on PSU.

Today we find out that PSU is paying out $59.7 million to 26 victims of the pedophile they allowed free reign to rape and destroy.

Hmmm, not comparable.... yet PSU is released from most of their NCAA penalty for losing institutional control, admitting that moral failure by paying out nearly $60mil, and the NCAA hands them a hall pass.
How is this even possible in the real world?

Aren't we all just a little shocked that the people running the NCAA are telling us that; the alleged never proven allegations against the Bush family for accepting money from a independent sports agent are somehow more reprehensible than a skeezy old man, and longtime PSU employee raping 26 little boys in the campus shower?

USC never gave the Bush family a dime outside the scholarship earned by Reggie to play ball.
No coach at 'SC has ever been accused of the crimes that piece of crap is now serving time for.
So how does 'SC's "loss of institutional control" come out being demonized as far worse than what PSU allowed their employee to perpetrate on their property?

The sports agent involved in the Bush case was not an employee of USC.
He did not woo the Bush's on campus with dollars and automobiles; and if he had would we still look at him as though he'd fallen down a few rungs on the ladder of life below a pedophile?
Not on the ladder I climb. There is no rung for pedophiles.

Sandusky was an employee of PSU, a longtime employee, and trusted friend of Joe Paterno's.
He used that position to prey on at least 26 young boys whose parents trusted him without reservation vis a vis his connection to PSU and Paterno.

PSU should not only be disallowed a year of particpation in all NCAA sports for every year the pedophile preyed on the prepubescent while on the PSU campus, they should also forfeit an additional year for each of his victims.

Which for me at the age of 52 would mean, that I would never have to be reminded of their "loss of institutional control" on  cool fall Saturdays, ever again.
I feel better already.

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