Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Midget in a Minefield

What does one say about Vlad's, ham handed moves at trying to reassemble the USSR?
Extortion, bribery, outright threats of economic destruction, cutting gas and oil shipments to countries whose only means of keeping their populations alive during harsh northern European winters, lies in their ability to import Russian stores.
Yeah Vlad I believe when you threaten an entire nation with freezing, that might be considered un-neighborly in your parts, the rest of the world looks on that as a crime against humanity.

But how would you recognize such a thing?
Wouldn't actually being a human be a prerequsite for understanding crimes against humanity?
Stalin, wasn't human, neither were Hitler or Mao.
Unfortunately for the Russians, and their former friends in the USSR, a troglodyte from a past era has foisted himself on a long suffering people.

Why do the power hungry Putin's of diminutive proportions always stick their tiny little hands into the public pie?
Forcing their own myopic vision on those who can see.
What is going on in that itty bitty little brain, behind those blank beady blue eyes?

Russia, the midget you've allowed to become czar, has placed your entire nation in the midst of a minefield.

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