Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pair o' Dimes Shift Part Deux

Source: Google Images

Paradigm Shift: implies a dramatic change in the ways of doing business, devotion to religion, and personal interface between an individual and his government.
This post is designed to educate those in "public service", and their cohort in the corporate establishment, of the societal changes afoot. A paradigm shift in the way some individuals are going to confront this conspiracy of government and private enterprise some of us refer to as a Ponzi scheme. Most of you will recognize this as the United States of America.

Common knowledge dictates that corporate interests in this nation control all three branches of our republic; the judiciary, legislative, and executive. Official capitulation to these interests over the past two hundred years have been met with periodic spasms of resistance from a populace that refused to wear the yoke of legislated servitude. We now face a similar moment in history where we have sustained a steady assault on our individual rights, both as citizens and consumers.

Reality is America, if we don't act to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals so eloquently written in our founding documents, we doom ourselves to one of two fates faced by every republican democracy intoxicated by it's own power and wealth.
The evidence before us indicates a slide into oligarchy; wherein a very few families control the wealth and wellbeing of hundreds of millions of their fellow "citizens". Can you say "Russia", or maybe "China", "Great Britain"?...

Individually we've watched in silence, as our rights have been swept away like the ashes of the Twin Towers. Under the guise of patriotism, we have been asked to give up the rights our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, and forefathers died heroically defending.
We now hold American citizens without charge as "enemy combatants" in clandestine prisons around the globe, denying them basic human dignity guaranteed in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
In some cases we target them for extra-judicial killing expressly forbidden in our society.
Some of you rightly recognize this act for what it is, murder.
No greater or less a sin than that committed by the individual being hunted.

Our self imposed role of global police man, has guaranteed the enmity of most, and the fealty of few through intimidation, confrontation, hegemonic action.
For the most part America; the vast stores of moral capital established with our victory in World War II, are gone. Fear has replaced respect not only with regard to our friends and enemies abroad, but here at home as well. Many of the tactics employed in getting our neighbors to toe the line are also used here to keep us in line.

Think drones flying in civilian airspace.
Think about why Barry felt it necessary to suspend Posse Comitatus with the blessing of Boehner and the Supremes.

Many if not most of you are feeling the effects of our stagnant economy limping into round two of prolonged global recession. Some have lost your homes because legislation supposedly intended to keep predatory lenders from foreclosing, have no teeth.
Our leaders trumpeting victory for the common man while behind the scenes facilitating the opposite.

Now think about the inevitable sequence of events surrounding a shift in the economic behavior of a population determined to force change on their country.
What happens if we as a united group refuse to financially support the current status quo?
What would result from a witholding action by the people en masse?
Is it feasible to seek retribution against 200 million plus people?

Each of us acting as individuals, joined together in common cause, hold the last cards of freedom in the deck of life. Each of us holds the "Pair o' Dimes" needed to shift this country back to the path of righteousness.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Pair-o-Dimes" Shift Part One

Source: Google Images

Paradigm; refers to the models we follow in life, whether that be politics, religion, or relationships between individuals and corporations.
Thus todays post, with particular emphasis placed on the relationship between American's and the companies that control their lives.
Many of us have experienced a downturn in our incomes and asset valuations since 2007.
As the economy spiraled into recession, our homes foreclosed on, cars repossessed, our overall standard of living plummeting like the value of GM stock, or the crumbs of the once mighty Krispy Kreme Donut empire sinking into the sludgey remains at the bottom of your Dixie Cup.

Today the average American's net worth is 1/3 what it was before 2007.
Personally, my position is shall we say, less lucrative than that.
We all watched helplessly, as our 401k's and real estate lost value as fast as the Titanic took on water. The ships crew(Congress) haplessly fumbling about to save the wealthier passengers(banks and auto makers), while the 2nd class (Middle Class America), and steerage passengers (The Poor), were left to drown. Five years later the ships crew is still haplessly fumbling about pointing fingers for their failures, at any and all phantoms(Ben Bernanke, E.T., whoever...) while never acknowledging the fact that we are where we are, because the ship's helmsmen turned the wheel over to a cabin steward while abandoning ship.

Congress abdicated their responsibility to our nations fiscal health to a cabal of private bankers almost one hundred years ago. With the formation of the Fed came the Income Tax and the IRS;  really what better way to build a private banker slush fund than enact new taxes on the personal income of the masses. While simultaneously passing legislation shielding the wealthy from this new responsibility of citizenship. Resulting in  the "serf-ication" of the 99% that are equal parts prey, and indispensable servant. Prior to this treason America was a creditor nation, with the most productive economy in the world. We have since become one of the most indebted nations in the history of civilization.

Thats what the Federal Reserve is friends, a private banking slush fund loaning money to banks at interest rates well below market value, funded by our tax dollars. That's right, the very banks whose risky trades put us where we are today, did so with our money, and the blessing of Congress. It was Congress that removed restraints put on the banking and insurance industries after the Great Depression, that allowed these miscreants to delve into investment areas previously forbidden them. It was Congress with both, Bush and Barry prodding them on; who lavished money on the banks and corporations that screwed us, rather than prosecuting those responsible for the greatest theft of public wealth ever.

Instead our government chose to scapegoat, prosecute, and publicly vilify people like Bernie Madoff whose crime was to steal from the rich to make himself rich, while rewarding those who stole from you and I, the working class of America. The lesson being that it's o.k. to rob from the masses, as has been the case since the beginning of time, but those who show the audacity to plunder the wealthy will be made an example of with extreme prejudice. 

I'm pretty certain after reading much of the written ideas left us by our Founders, Thomas Jefferson most specifically, we have now descended into a state of governance they so presciently warned us of, and rebelled against.

To be continued...