Saturday, March 31, 2012
And The Race Goes On and On and On...
Many papers and pundits are calling the Retardican primary for Romney now.
Retro Rick fading fast like a single candle at the end of a very long dark tunnel.
Gingrich's money bag Ancient Adelson advising Newt and Callista that the book tour goes on without him and his dollars. Nobody's really sure what happened to Ron Paul.
That only leaves us a brief seven months to get acquainted with Mitt.
As sacrificial lambs go, so goes Mitt unto the fire of an election he's doomed to lose. Hear me now believe me later, Barry wins in a landslide. This Retardican Primary more so than any before it, has rendered the unelectable like so much pink slime oozing from a meat processing centrifuge.
Bombastic statements followed by evermore radical right religionist promises of social reform along the lines of melding church and state; have shown the Retardicans to be completely disconnected from the main stream of American thought.
While the Retardicans flail their stubby little limbs about attempting to herd the cats that have become their party; the Dumbocrats rest on Barry's laurels, such as they are.
Hoping that the debacle of Nancy "HRM"Pelosi as Speaker can be overcome by the recent memory of the Boner lead House. Seriously, when in our history have we had two such completely incompetent pirates back to back like Boner and "HRM", running the house?
Really good pirates like Tip O'Neill held the post for years on end, passing out committee seats like presents at Christmas, which they are. If the Retardicans lose the house, will the "Queen of Insider Trading", "HRM" Pelosi retake the position? Will she bury the legislation barring the trading that has made her a very wealthy woman?
Let's all say it together now--Dead On Arrival; much like the muscles in Nancy's overly botoxed face.
Reality in America precludes rational thought in politics, because the candidates insist upon separating the herd through polarizing topics of personal choice, rather than focusing on the issues that plague us all. In the case of Romney, his call to action for the masses consists of nothing more than:
"I'm the only one of the unelectable who has a remote chance of unseating Barry...want to bet ten grand?"
Beyond that, Mitt has no intention of reintroducing strong manufacturing jobs to our hungry workforce; he's already proven himself to be one hell of a union buster via Bain Capitol, thereby decimating thousands of jobs that did provide middle class incomes to families across the country.
Mitt also advocated for the bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler, which would have sent droves of workers into the unemployment lines; pushing the UAW into the dustbin of history while in the process making collective bargaining in American industry a thing of the past.
One thing you can say about the Retardicans though is that they do have an agenda, crystal clear virulently anti common man with an eye towards our ultimate subjugation. Think Vonnegut's "Wreaks and Wrecks", hordes of underemployed roaming the streets with brooms and shovels cleaning the roads for the oligarchs who automated meaningful labor for the enrichment of the few.
The Dumbocrats on the other hand seem only interested in the gathering and maintenance of personal power and wealth, as they indulge the whims of their fringe interest groups. Continually promising reform but consistently handing us over to the same oligarchy that sustains the opposition. Barry Care or Obama Care is a fine example. Rather than offering the public real affordable medical care, this plan does nothing more than make us obligatory customers of the most rapacious industry in America.
The Insurance industry.
Two party's, one goal; separate you from your money, your rights, your power.
Photo Source: Associated Press
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Marijuana Myths: The Danger
Mythology; a collection of exaggerated stories intended to sow misinformation, with the goal of promoting propaganda in the face of reality. Sound familiar? No I'm not referring to the never ending election cycle, though I clearly could be. What I'm talking about is this tool your government has been using since 1937 to demonize a medicinal herb used for millennia.
William Randolph Hearst, and his national network of newspapers; cast the spark that sent this nation down an endless path of "Wars", with a new "Czar" appointed to oversee every social engineering failure our nation embarks upon. Ostensibly Mr. Hearst sought to save the nation from the evil scourge of "marihuana"using his publishers pulpit to pounce on a problem of his own creation. Much in the way Rupert Murdoch's papers and news outlets "created" one titillating story after another by illegally tapping phones. Mr. Hearst though had another motive; if he made hemp paper impossible to produce in this country, he and his sycophants would then have free reign to clearcut their federal lease and privately held forestry holdings to feed new paper mills using wood pulp. Thereby allowing Mr Hearst the ability to profit on two fronts, newspapers and newsprint.
Prior to this campaign of deceit, and the invention of the cotton gin, hemp was our nations primary source of fiber for paper, rope, and textiles. Benjamin Franklin wore clothing made of "homespun" hemp fabrics during his time abroad representing our nation as a diplomat. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are both printed on hemp paper. Renewable, cost effective, and far more versatile than wood pulp or cotton; hemp was the fiber that built this nation. From the paper used in our most revered documents, to the rope that rigged the USS Constitution, the very history of America is written in and on hemp.
So why are we still fighting this "war"?
Why is it that everything the government does has to wear the "war" moniker anyway?
We all know that hemp and marijuana provide the raw material for many superior products, including medicine, so why does our government cling to hidebound fallacies of the past?
Reality is, the only dangers associated with marijuana are the ones our government inflicts upon us.
Those dangers include but are not limited to: arrest, prosecution, and incarceration.
Loss of employment, savings, social status, and assets seized by the government even when they can't prove they originated from a crime.
Last but certainly not least is the larger more ominous danger corresponding to the rise of the 'cartels', whose very murderous existence was brought to you by the government of the United States of America.
Now you all understand how marijuana became dangerous, and why.
All Poster Sourced: Google Images
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
What Is Barry Smoking?
Remember when? When those of us who use medical marijuana were able to go to a local dispensary to procure our meds, without the hassle associated with the black market? Remember when Barry took office and told his supporters that he would not prosecute medical marijuana providers in states where the citizens approved it's use? Here in California the law we the people made happen is now under full federal assault. Thanks Barry!
So what's your story now Barry? Pandering to those imbued with the governments poisonous propaganda surrounding a plant. While dumping billions more down a black hole of incompetent, corrupt law enforcement that's done nothing but bring about the The Police States Of America. With the enhanced tools of tyranny you've given yourself since the suspension of Posse Comitatus, and the imminent repositioning of the CIA and Air Forces fleets of drone aircraft; will you bring military force to bear against American citizens growing their own herbal medicines?
When you and your cronies in congress got together with W. to push through the Patriot Act, those like myself saw the clear cryptic message splashed in bold black letters across the wall. Our government in the stroke of a pen withdrew our rights as citizens en masse, just as though we were ALL flying those planes on September 11 2001. Our elected leaders decided at that point that every American citizen was under suspicion of being a member of or sympathizing with a terrorist movement.
That now takes us to semantics. What is the governments definition of a terrorist?
Is it only those who take up arms against the government? Or will citizens who defy unjust laws regarding their health care choices be targeted from above as we target Al Qaeda?
Considering the fact that you are the first black American president, don't you find your positions regarding this issue to be a bit ironic? Your actions are certainly more Mugabe than Jefferson, when contrasted with your words. On the one hand, you tell us that we as citizens of California have the right to self determination. On the other you send out henchmen attached to the Attorney General to attack the very citizens who elected you, in direct contradiction of your own words.
So Barry, what are you smoking?
So what's your story now Barry? Pandering to those imbued with the governments poisonous propaganda surrounding a plant. While dumping billions more down a black hole of incompetent, corrupt law enforcement that's done nothing but bring about the The Police States Of America. With the enhanced tools of tyranny you've given yourself since the suspension of Posse Comitatus, and the imminent repositioning of the CIA and Air Forces fleets of drone aircraft; will you bring military force to bear against American citizens growing their own herbal medicines?
When you and your cronies in congress got together with W. to push through the Patriot Act, those like myself saw the clear cryptic message splashed in bold black letters across the wall. Our government in the stroke of a pen withdrew our rights as citizens en masse, just as though we were ALL flying those planes on September 11 2001. Our elected leaders decided at that point that every American citizen was under suspicion of being a member of or sympathizing with a terrorist movement.
That now takes us to semantics. What is the governments definition of a terrorist?
Is it only those who take up arms against the government? Or will citizens who defy unjust laws regarding their health care choices be targeted from above as we target Al Qaeda?
Considering the fact that you are the first black American president, don't you find your positions regarding this issue to be a bit ironic? Your actions are certainly more Mugabe than Jefferson, when contrasted with your words. On the one hand, you tell us that we as citizens of California have the right to self determination. On the other you send out henchmen attached to the Attorney General to attack the very citizens who elected you, in direct contradiction of your own words.
So Barry, what are you smoking?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Russia's Next Move
By now we've all seen the preordained news that Vladimir Putin has been reelected to another term as Russia's president by a landslide margin. Whew! That was close Vlad. You must have been sweating bullets awaiting that vote tally. I mean, it was so close with all of the media in your pockets, and no serious contender running against you. It must have felt like the good old days for sure like 1922 all over again, when uncle Joe ascended the throne.
And yet Vlad you still lose. Not the election you rigged of course, but you've lost what little respect you had amongst not only your own people, but the rest of the civilized world as well. You sold the dignity of Russian democracy for one more turn at total power, just as Stalin surrendered generations of his own for precisely the same reason. What is it with you diminutive dudes anyway? Napoleon, Stalin, Putin, midgets who would be men.
The difference is that today your people are no longer cowed subservients, they recognize when their freedom has been hijacked for the attainment of power by one man. Russian history of the 20th century is littered with the discredited names of those who fought for tyranny, in the face of freedom; only those who choose to ignore their history would claim otherwise.
Vlad, the rest of the world left this whole cult of personality thing behind when your uncle Joey croaked in 1953. Nobody was buying it anyway without it being shoved down the collective throat. Frankly I think you make a huge error in disregarding the clear preference of your people that you leave.
Don't go away mad Vlad, just go away.
And yet Vlad you still lose. Not the election you rigged of course, but you've lost what little respect you had amongst not only your own people, but the rest of the civilized world as well. You sold the dignity of Russian democracy for one more turn at total power, just as Stalin surrendered generations of his own for precisely the same reason. What is it with you diminutive dudes anyway? Napoleon, Stalin, Putin, midgets who would be men.
The difference is that today your people are no longer cowed subservients, they recognize when their freedom has been hijacked for the attainment of power by one man. Russian history of the 20th century is littered with the discredited names of those who fought for tyranny, in the face of freedom; only those who choose to ignore their history would claim otherwise.
Vlad, the rest of the world left this whole cult of personality thing behind when your uncle Joey croaked in 1953. Nobody was buying it anyway without it being shoved down the collective throat. Frankly I think you make a huge error in disregarding the clear preference of your people that you leave.
Don't go away mad Vlad, just go away.
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