Uncle Sam, I see people like us, good people fighting for their very existence, who are in desperate need of our help.
Because your brother from another mother Uncle Ernie The Sultan of Turkey, is using our technology bombing our best friends in the region.
When he's supposed to be bombing the ISIS he helped create and sustain.
How will we respond?
Will we turn our backs on the Kurdish people carrying our burden?
After all, the reality is if we don't invade Iraq based on bullshit in 2002, there is no ISIS now.
Or, if the "Great White Hunter" Cheney, Bremer, Bush, Rumsfeld and company had the collective intelligence to co opt the Iraqi Army, rather than disburse it with it's weapons caches, know how, and terrain advantage...but that's a whole other post isn't it?
Summing it up in a few words for those who weren't aware: History will not be kind to this "brain" trust.
Then we sat back and looked the other way while Uncle Ernie fed a steady stream of ignorant ISIS fodder into Syria, cynically hoping they would topple Assad, counter Iranian interests, and help decimate the ranks of Hezbollah, all in one brilliant motion.
Didn't happen Ernie.
All while murdering and displacing millions of innocents.
Why are we allowing Uncle Ernie and the Turks to murder the finest allies we have in the fight against daesh, as they continue the struggle to establish a long denied homeland?
Turkey under Sultan Erdogan is a disaster specifically for NATO, Syria, Israel, Kurdistan, and more generally the entire Middle East. Hasn't been a picnic for us either.
So what's our next move Uncle Sam?
Fiddle about while a murderous little despot widens the war?
The Kurds have no intention of waiting for your reply, they're taking the battle straight to Uncle Ernie, and the nutless TAF he neutered so successfully.
Witness the attacks taking place even as I write this.
May God be with them in their fight for freedom, justice and the Kurdish way.
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