When elected governments in Turkey were actually good NATO allies; rather than the duplicitous pile we deal with today?
I do, the guardians of secularism the Turkish Armed Forces, kept wannabe sultan's like uncle Ernie from rising and building 1,000 room palaces, along with religionist cults of personality.
Unfortunately the TAF has been rather successfully neutered, the kangaroo courts hop to Uncle Ernie's dictates; and the ignorant masses of illiterates populating the countryside determine the elections that keep this midget despot in power.
What happened?
The European Union happened, and Turkey wanted to join really really bad.
However, those incredibly proper Euro's, the same people that plundered planet earth through colonialism. Fomented divisions where they did not previously exist, and drew up national boundaries without regard for the indigenous who lived in the lands they occupied....
They basically told the TAF: " All these military takeovers of elected governments are rather uncivlized you know? In order to join our elite group of pirates, you'll have to comport yourselves in a wholly different manner." "Should your people wish to elect a Islamist party to govern, then so be it."
How magnanimous Euro zone! The heady days of beating the USSR into economic submission, allowed you to delude yourselves into believing that Ernie's ideas of a new caliphate were somehow compatible with the secular free market ways of the zone. Once again Euro, you chose poorly. As in 1920, when the Ottomans collapsed a free and strong Kurdistan could and should have been allowed to form; predictably your leaders acted only with greed in mind, carving up the carcass and distributing the meat to the victors. Unfortunately, the US government was every bit as guilty, and still hasn't woken up and smelled the Kurdish coffee either.
So now are we going to allow Uncle Ernie to fiddle about and degrade the only fighting force standing up to daesh?
Why not take this opportunity to correct a historic tragedy? Arm Kurdistan, depose Ernie, return the Turkish Republic to a reliable secular NATO ally.
Those were the days my friends...
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