We survived the worst presidency in the history of the term 'president'.
Almost singlehandedly, Stumpy the Clown a.k.a. Donald J. Trump took the most powerful and prestigious office in the world, and turned it into a narcissistic shitshow of previously unknown depths.
January 6th 2021, Stumpy the Clown with his support staff of MAGAtts, quite nearly brought the strongest democracy on Earth, to it's trembling knees. In the months and years preceding his attempted coup, Stumpy and his crony circus in the Senate packed the Supreme Court with rabidly right wing idealogues, bent on making our nation officially less tolerant, less equal, more mysoginistic and racist, than at any time in two generations.
All of which appeals to the base instincts of the least educated, less travelled, unfortunately procreating people of the Republican party.
Resulting in a polarization of American society unseen since the 1960's.
Into this miasma of chaos steps our villain, Vladimir Poopin Pants a.k.a. Vladimir V. Putin.
Vlad the Dwarf earned his newest nickname today, when it was announced that his army in Lyman, {the one under his personal command} was surrounded and attempting a retreat from Ukrainian forces.
The day after he annexed the region of Ukraine that Lyman is part of.
Given the looks on the faces of those present at his proclamation, he should be shitting his pants.
That did not look like a crowd eager to buy bushels of bullshit.
And that's all Vlad has to sell.
Obviously, I've just skimmed the surface of events past without touching on very much at all.
That is the purpose of this post, to work my way back gradually to greater depth of thought on individual topics of personal importance.
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