Does this story ever end?
At what point do we as a nation demand the final chapter of this ridiculous book?
Chapter after horror filled chapter, of overtly predictable outcomes.
Our main character: " Dude", with the mental capacity of a box of rocks, coddled by Mommy his entire life, goes off at a school.
With a gun. That he clearly had no business owning.
Which begs the question.
If this guy had no job, (and who would hire a guy that doesn't speak), therefore no means with which to purchase a weapon, or weapons, as is the case here; who bought the guns for this nut? How about the ammo?
Was it Satan? No, probably not "Church Lady".
Or was it Mommy? Again.
Did yet another delusional Mother of a mentally unstable adult child, purposely put weapons in the hands of her beloved box of rocks?
It would appear so.
The only difference this time, Mommy was not the first casualty, as was the case nearly three years ago at Sandy Hook Elementary.
No, this time Mommy gets to live with the carnage wrought by her precious little boy, and the guns she chose to provide him.
No reprieve for you lady.
With any luck at all, and a seriously healthy dollop of justice, this Mommy goes down as an accessory to murder.
If we can't hold the insane accountable for their actions, especially when they off themselves, then shouldn't we hold those people responsible that provide the weapons?
I think so.
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