Saturday, October 31, 2015

Allies or Enemies?

Given the tangled internecine nature of the wars going on in Iraq, and Syria; the budding proxy battle between Sunni and Shia, Russia and the's time to sum up who's who in the region and where our interests ultimately lie.

And lie we do. To ourselves mostly, but also to those we call "ally".

Reality is America, those we call "ally" in the region, are the very governments that exacerbate the wars we have been trying to extricate ourselves from. In fact, were it not for our staunchest "ally" in the region, we're not even at war.
September 11, 2001, hijacked planes destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City, a portion of the Pentagon, and another fell to the ground in Pennsylvania, when valiant passengers rose up and sacrificed their own lives in order to prevent another building being targeted. Our US Capitol building.
They were commandeered by Saudi Arabian citizens, not Iranians, Iraqi's, Kurds, Turks, Israeli's, Palestinians, Russians, or anyone else.
The rationale used by these cretins, promulgated at the highest levels of the Saudi Arabian Wahhabi theocratical establishment. Their funding provided by followers of this faith, citizens of the kingdom.

Though the Saudi citizen bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan then Pakistan (another "ally"), the vast majority of his initial followers and financial support emanated from Saudi Arabia, not just from ordinary citizens, but the royal family and wealthy influential individuals across the kingdom. People whose very ability to wreak havoc was built on the protection afforded by America.

Iran on the other hand, the nation in the region we villify the most, had nothing to do with it. Neither did Iraq.
Yet in the aftermath, both countries have suffered enormously at our hands. Why?
Why did we allow the Saudi's to come out unscathed? Their citizens, their funding, their ideology, their continued support of ISIS. Yet we depose Saddam, tackle the Taliban, economically embargo Iran, prop up Uncle Ernies efforts to start a civil war in Turkey...and Saudi Arabia gets new jet fighters?!

So here we are America, supposedly the great democratic power on Earth, promoting human rights, and representative government in our words, yet we won't tolerate true democratically elected governments among our "allies". No, we allow Uncle Ernie Erdogan to fiddle about, destroying the only NATO allied democracy in the region; while we arm repressive monarchies from Bahrain to the UAE.
Nations like Saudi Arabia, where women are forbidden from doing just about everything except existing as chattle.

When will our words and actions finally coalesce into one true meaning?
After 14 years of war we have sown chaos not clarity, demagoguery not democracy.
Duplicitous and USA have become synonymous terms to many in the world.
Are you still wondering why?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Turkish Murder, American Shame

Sponsor a double bombing in Ankara, mercilessly, without warning, execute in the process over 100 innocent war protesters; announce your airforce is "pounding terrorist positions."
Then I go online, only to find that Uncle Ernie's Pasha Palace is still standing...didn't the Royal Turkish Air Farce get the map coordinates for your pile straight?
I thought the official Turkish news agency was getting real finally.

News flash Ernie; the slaughter by your "intelligence" agents, of unarmed Kurds peacefully marching in your cultural capitol is a terrorist act. Following the terrorist act of restarting a civil war, because the Kurds reached the 10% threshold to attain representation in Parliament. In the parlance of our nations other favorite pasttime Ernie, you're almost battin' a thousand. 
Kleptocrat, War criminal, megalomaniac...what more can a midget aspire to!

Truthfully Ernie, you've reached deep, deep down into the gutter of humanity.
Barack Obama, our Fearless Leader, you're Ernie's accomplice.
Without your blessing Barry, he's not bombing the only real allies we have in the region.
No thumbs up from you Barry, and Ernie's not slaughtering young women in the streets of Ankara, Diyarbakir, Kobani... young girls and women the same ages as your daughters.

Here, we the USof A, were offered on a golden  platter, the opportunity to right a historic wrong dating to WWI, and before.
Instead Barry, you marshalled every resource at your command; the most powerful man, guiding the greatest military industrial complex the Earth has ever known...and you're leading us right into the clusterfuck that will be WWIII.
What a surprise.

Congrats Barry, that's quite a swan song playing on your way out the door.

Monday, October 5, 2015

American Tragedy...Again

Does this story ever end?
At what point do we as a nation demand the final chapter of this ridiculous book?
Chapter after horror filled chapter, of overtly predictable outcomes.

Our main character: " Dude", with the mental capacity of a box of rocks, coddled by Mommy his entire life, goes off at a school.
With a gun. That he clearly had no business owning.

Which begs the question.
If this guy had no job, (and who would hire a guy that doesn't speak), therefore no means with which to purchase a weapon, or weapons, as is the case here; who bought the guns for this nut? How about the ammo?
Was it Satan? No, probably not "Church Lady".
Or was it Mommy? Again.

Did yet another delusional Mother of a mentally unstable adult child, purposely put weapons in the hands of her beloved box of rocks?
It would appear so.
The only difference this time, Mommy was not the first casualty, as was the case nearly three years ago at Sandy Hook Elementary.
No, this time Mommy gets to live with the carnage wrought by her precious little boy, and the guns she chose to provide him.
No reprieve for you lady.

With any luck at all, and a seriously healthy dollop of justice, this Mommy goes down as an accessory to murder.
If we can't hold the insane accountable for their actions, especially when they off themselves, then shouldn't we hold those people responsible that provide the weapons?
I think so.