Wednesday, February 4, 2015

U.A.E. Cowards

Last time we joined this conversation we were operating under the assumption that the Emirati's were still in the vanguard against daesh; flying more sorties than any other Arab nation. 
Then yesterday, as we learn of the despicable murder of Lt. al Kassasbeh, we also learn of the U.A.E. abandoning the fight against daesh, because they don't want to take the same risks with their pilots.
Witness the downing of one plane, not American, and you bail like no other.

How foolish, and weak you look now in the face of the Jordanian peoples response to this barbarity.
This battle belongs to you, and your cousins in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Pakistan, Indonesia...
Is this how family comes to the aid of it's cousins facing terminal illness?
Only the faithful can destroy the cancer that exists in their own body, otherwise the entire body becomes infested; thus requiring outsiders to introduce a very toxic course of treatment.
Daesh is a cancer infesting the worlds perception of Islam with a worse loathing than al Qaeda.

Today as yesterday, I call on all Muslims of righteous faith to commit their forces to this fight, on the side of humanity, against the hate mongering cancer invading the very soul of their faith.

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