The saga continues...
Today the US Patent office announced the cancellation of 6 trademarks associated with the Washington Redskins NFL franchise owned by Daniel Snyder.
Not the first time this action has been taken, later overturned by a judge who couldn't see where the term "Redskin" could be interpreted as disparaging.
I wonder if Mr. Snyder who is Jewish, or the judge who made this decision (probably Jewish), would consider the term "kike" disparaging, as applied to themselves?
How about the "Washington Kikes", or the "Washington Oligarchs", "Washington War Mongers"?
Any of these three examples, and many many more are far more appropriate than "Redskin" ever was.
Next inevitable step taken by Mr. Snyder, will be to send his attack attorneys after this decision, in his ongoing effort to maintain the racist status quo of his team and the NFL.
Mr. Snyder, do you really wish to be cast in the same light as Donald Sterling?
You know the guy, he just had his NBA team yanked out from under him as he disparaged the very people who made him his billions from sport; while establishing he and his wife Shelly as the poster children for all that ails America.
The two of you, or three if we include Shelly, have a lot in common.
Donald's been the laughing stock of the NBA forever, while wielding a reputation as the worst owner in professional sports. Your tenure as owner of the Washington franchise, though shorter than Donald's, has yielded some pretty spectacular fails, in a very short period of time.
Those snickering voices in your head? Those are your NFL peers.
However the true question remains, are you the same kind of arrogant, racist oligarch believing as Mr. Sterling does, that he pays for everything? Even the right to denigrate, humiliate others less powerful than himself?
Mr Goodell, will you take a similar action to Mr. Silver's of the NBA?
Acting decisively without hesitation, Mr. Silver lanced the boil from the NBA's ass that the Sterlings always were. If you ask nicely Roger, Mr. Silver might loan you his needle.
At the very least, your first move should be to gang the other owners up into a cabal that will force a name change, failing that your next course is regime change coupled with a new name for the team.
Like moving the goal posts to the back of the end zone, it makes sense.
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