Friday, March 28, 2014

Due Process, What Due Process?

Residing in Fresno these days, makes a person wonder if he's living in the USof A, or has he timewarped into another place at another moment in history. It's been almost 20 years since California was the first state in the union to legalize marijuana for medicinal use, allowing patients to grow their own medicine. Now the county of Fresno is actively working to obstruct the law that we citizens enacted.

The County and City of Fresno have conjured up a mythical marijuana growing ban in direct contravention of the peoples wishes and Prop 215. Taxpayers who defy this illegal action will not have their cases heard in a court of law, but rather before the board of supervisors who ramrodded this highly questionable bit of legislation through. Conflict of interest much Fresno?
This my friends is a direct attack on your Bill of Rights. As guaranteed by this hallowed document, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or PROPERTY, without due process of law.

In the simplest terms possible, just for you Chief Jerry Dyer, Sheriff Maggie Mims, and the Stooges who sit on the board: You cannot take peoples property unless you charge them with a crime in court, and they are found guilty. Unless you're the IRS, they're omnipotent.

These are the same fools who decided it was in the county's best interest to steal the belongings of the city's homeless people, remember the outcome of that debacle?
Fresno city and county ended up paying millions to the agencies supplying shopping carts to these citizens, as well as compensating individuals for their lost belongings.

In essence what we have running this community are a group of Nazi's whose only wish is to run rough shod over your rights.

Law enforcement in Fresno acts as if all the crime they fight is rooted in pot; that if there were no marijuana grows, they would be living in fat city. Reality is, crime was rampant before, still is, and has little or nothing to do with marijuana growing. Or when it does, the authorities just want to cast a harsh light on pot as the cause. "This house would have never been targeted if not for the grow activity..."
What about home invasions that have nothing to do with weed? Car thefts? Murder?
When did crime with a hint of herbal essence become so much worse than the ones that just stink?

Don't people who live and work in the community, also pay taxes that support law enforcement? Even if they grow weed, legally? In other more simplistic terms, one more time so the meaning stays at the level this team works on; just go do the jobs you're paid to do. If a perp does a B&E on a grow house, that crime scene should be treated as any other. Arrest the aggressor, return the property to it's owner, and move on to the next case.

People of Fresno, the hardest working, straightest talking folks I've ever known; whether or not you support medicinal marijuana in your town; you have to ask yourselves a few questions.
With the rest of the nation now following, and in some cases surpassing California's lead on the issue; of course we're talking about straight up legalization in Colorado and Washington:
Are we willing to allow our elected leaders to sink our city/county in yet another ACLU law suit?
Wouldn't it just be better to follow Colorado's lead, and start making money; rather than flushing it down Maggie and Jerry's enforcement toilet?
Do we really prosper as a community with leadership that lives in the last century?

Think about it Fresno.

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