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On the one hand we have Barry, standing his ground demanding that millionaires pay a tax rate commensurate to the success they've enjoyed while the tax code was gerry rigged in their favor.
On the other hand we have Boner and Co. blindly clinging to the idea that they have some kind of mandate to screw us out of the insurance we've been forced to pay into for decades. Some mandate, the only way the retardicans have the house is through the continued gerrymandering of congressional districts in mid western and southern states where a white majority still hold out hope for glory days of domination gone by.
Let's get this straight Boner, you do not have a mandate to steal the hard earned money we have all paid into the government Ponzi schemes of Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.
Since reduction of spending is the main thrust of the retardican effort to bring the budget in line, then why not start with your exorbitant pay and benefit package? How about shoring up Social Security by making it the retirement plan for congress? How quick will you guys go to the trough for your next boondoggle, if it's the same one feeding you?
While we're on the topic of spending cuts, how much money can we save if we re-set our defense stance to include only our borders? Why are we still occupying Germany and Japan sixty seven years after the end of World War II? Why have our leaders placed our nation into a permanent war time economy? We manufacture weaponry, and export it at far greater volume than the rest of the world combined; what happened to making things people use to enhance life, rather than ending it?
Why does our government use the media to keep us in a perpetual mental state of
"Us against Them"?
The reality is America, that we have a cabal of business and government leaders running our country who envision nothing less than a world of peons laboring for the wealthy in a bi-polar society of have and have not. The redistribution of wealth that has taken place with the decimation of organized labor, and thus our middle class, is nothing short of complete reversion to a time when our oligarchy ran roughshod over the rule of law, and the citizens the law was intended to protect.
These laws now only protect those who have the resources to influence their creation, while subjugating the masses.
Hear me now believe me later, the new push to ban assault weapons will not stop there. Adam Lanza provided our jailers with exactly the conditions necessary to invoke a weapons ban, thereby disarming a potential rebellion that would put the middle class back into it's rightful place in society. We'll hear, for a while, that we need to do something about mental health. And we will, we'll use that ruse to incarcerate those who bring into question the direction of our nation. Just as the Soviets did, and the Russians do to this day. Think Gitmo, only with American citizen prisoners, who have no rights.
You gave those up with the passing of the Patriot Act.
Ultimately, at this juncture of history we have a very serious choice to make; will we repudiate the work of Truman and Eisenhower who set us on the path of world hegemony?
Will we re-task our industry to peace time pursuits after almost 70 years of constant war readiness?
Or will we continue to allow our government to feed us bread and circuses while we bury our heads in the sands of ignorance; as we witness our middle class' evaporation like a rain fed puddle?
In reality America, this is what the cliff is all about, it's the battle for the salvation of the middle class, if we are allowed to fall off the cliff, whats left of the middle class will shrivel and die. While the wealthy just absorb a meaningless bump in their tax responsibility, the rest of us get to finance their profligate ways.
If you make less than a million a year and you voted retardican, the reason why is self explanatory.