Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Round 3: The Knock Out Punch

Source: Google Images
Winner, and still champion by TKO in the 3rd round, by a 2 out of 3 judges decision,
Barry"the Bomba" Obama. Bummer Mitt, you had Barry on the ropes in the early going, but you caved during crucial give and takes, consistently contradicting yourself, and showing the world your true nature.

Mitt Rmoney will say anything to anyone in order to garner their vote. The man stands as tall and stout as the shifting sands of the Sahara. Snakes have more backbone.

When it comes to America's political scene one truism stands out; regardless of party it's about power.
Romney Family's "Rmoney" Photo-Op
Source: Google Images
This election however pits a 3D vision of the future against a blurry view of the past as perceived through a sepia tone print of glory days gone by.

Rmoney, and Ryan want you to believe that your grandfathers and great grandfathers had it best when they worked without collective bargaining under harsh take it or leave it conditions. They want you to forget your forefathers hard fought battles that secured a middle class for America.
The oligarchs running corporate America had little or no interest in building a strong educated workforce; quite the contrary, their only goal was personal enrichment. Knowing full well that the better educated the sons and daughters of these workers became, the harder it would become to maintain the indentured servitude nature of their fathers employment. In Rmoney's mind it's not much different today.

Rmoney and his ilk have spent the past 25 years dismantling America's manufacturing capacity, shipping jobs and technology to China, Taiwan, Japan, Latin America, Mexico..., all in the name of corporate dividends.
At least that was the company line:
"We're just doing what's best for the company and it's shareholders..."
In reality; they were actively breaking unions with an eye towards rolling back collective bargaining agreements that actively fed and nurtured a strong American middle class.
I mean how can they truly be in control, when they have to meet the demands of the peons they've deigned to employ? Power implies control, beware those who seek either.

Rmoney and Ryan want you to believe that the prevailing wages paid to non union employees have nothing to do with the wages paid to union represented workers. When collective bargaining is eliminated under their plan, how fast do you think real wages will fall?
My guess is, that descent will be mind numbingly rapid, akin to a death spiral in an out of control aircraft.

After securing the death of collective bargaining the next assault will be on our private lives, with the government of R&R doing all they can to insert Big Brother into our bedrooms. Roe v Wade will be the first target, with R&R expending the bulk of their political capital in a Quixotic misadventure the Taliban would be proud of. Much the same way Barry ignored the economy to pass BarryCare.

They fight not for the honor and humility of service to country; but for the opportunity to enrich themselves and their close financial supporters.

If Mitt felt so strongly about serving; how come he took two deferments from the draft during VietNam? I guess he felt entitled to dictate the terms of his service...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Barry vs. Mitt: Round II

Source: Google Images

Dear Barry, and Mitt,

Two down, one to go, and just a few weeks remaining before we're forced to cast a vote for one of you sorry excuses for leadership. Your last debate, supposedly addressing foreign policy, represents your final opportunity in this election cycle to convince the American people that you understand why the rest of the world hates our guts.

Source: Google Images
Your first two debates established the fact that neither of you are interested in truth, facts, or reality. 
I expect this third encounter to devolve into outright name calling, blatant lying, and all out political farce. For entertainment value alone it's worth viewing; but when it comes down to why these debates are occurring, I believe we're being short changed.

Mitt you're clueless in this area as during your trip abroad you successfully alienated one of the few countries that tolerate us, Great Britain. And Barry, controlled by the corporate powers that pull the governments strings, you're next to powerless like all elected officials, to turn the tide of American hegemony wrought upon the world over the last 100 plus years. 

Source: Google Images

Neither one of you, has either the backbone or the sense of reality required to efficiently run our very polarized nation. Neither of you holds the capacity to unify a people intentionally divided by a ruling class that did not foresee the effect of using religion as a wedge against the middle. Or demonizing middle class wage earning union members as scapegoats for less than competitive American products. Mitt you and the Republicans are particularly guilty of this last charge, as you fail to acknowledge the fact that you and every American CEO of a Fortune 500 company are compensated at rates far beyond your peers in the rest of the first world. You guys pay yourselves like the Shah of Iran. Remember what happened to him? Worst of all is the fact that your party has been in open conflict with the middle class for almost a generation now when Uncle Ronnie fired the opening salvo with his abolition of the air traffic controllers union.

Source: Google Images
Most importantly though as demonstrated by the first two debates, neither you nor the parties you represent are working for the betterment of the American people.
Once again we witness a struggle for power, that will only bear fruit for a small cabal of politically savvy, wealthy individuals.

These debates are all the evidence I need to demand change. Substantive, exacting change.
America needs at least one more relevant political party, independent of the two established patrimonies. Optimally three or four parties. 
A radically truncated election cycle, 60 days max.
Stringent limitations on fundraising by our elected officials.
No corporate or union political activity.
Lobbyists for any cause strictly forbidden.
Return all American armed forces to barracks in the USA. We killed Bin Laden, we're done. WWII is over, so is the Korean War, bring them all home.
We are not the American Empire, we are not the worlds policeman. It is not incumbent on us to dictate morality to other nations or to our own citizens.
Governments function is to provide security and infrastructure in this country, not in Afghanistan.
Nor is it the governments responsibility to regulate life choices that effect only me; so please I respectfully request that this government butt the fuck out of my life, if I want advice on how to live I'll contact Oprah.

Thank You,
American Reality Party