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Do tell us Barry, if it was OK for you to partake without penalty; why are you suddenly persecuting those of us who use marijuana for medicine legitimately while under the protection of medical marijuana laws you did not have the benefit of?
Barry allow me to shed a little light for you; those people who elected you, the people who are tired of war, who fear the pendulum's continued swing to the right, are now wondering why you're pushing that pendulum further to the right than Bush?
You've successfully suspended Posse Comitatus, directed the FAA to allow drone flights in civilian airspace. The next logical step in this progression would be to foment public unrest, allowing for the occupation of America's cities under martial law. Considering the ham handed tactics unleashed under your watch, used with your blessing to quell the Occupy protests; might these be the beginnings of or the training sessions for, the implementation of martial law?
Will the troops coming home be discharged, or will they be dragooned into service here as imposers of martial law?
Thankfully our troops are ending their overseas commitments in two wars whose outcomes will not be known for probably another generation. America re-opened Pandora's Box of interfaith war that the despots of the region had kept a lid on for decades. Clearly these governments we've overthrown were not our friends, nor did they serve their citizenry. However when we endeavor to transplant our way of government on others who have neither the desire nor training to sustain the effort, we get what we have in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Dysfunction, corruption, ineptitude, and a patronage system akin to Tammany Hall.
Different yes, but better?
Reality is America, regardless of who we think we're voting into office, that person does not exist.
He or she is nothing more than an amalgamation of disparate words and deeds, pandering to the elite who control our lives. If you want change, real change, it's not going to happen at the polling place controlled by corporate interests. Look to your past for your future America, the solution lies there.