Tell me what country's leader do you think the title of this post refers to?
Could it be Hugo Chavez of Venezuela?
As likely a target for scorn as he deservedly is, the answer is no.
Cuba's Castro? Fidel or Raul?
Neither, change is afoot on the island that has nothing to do with the embargo we've foisted on them but rather an embrace of reality after so many decades denying it's existence.
We can go on and on here critiquing the governments of our neighbors, but really why bother.
There's absolutely no reason to look beyond Washington DC for the best example the hemisphere has to offer. That's right Barry, you win.
Given an international stage to break with the tradition of past presidents posing with their heads buried in the sands of the War on Drugs. You instead chose the dubious distinction of adding your face and voice to the pantheon of fools committed to dumping untold billions of tax dollars down a sinkhole of corruption and ineptitude. In one fell swoop you threw away your one best chance to actually establish something of a positive legacy for your presidency. Simply put; all you had to do was embrace reality.
Clearly that's a tough one. Because neither you nor any of your predecessors has been able to accomplish the feat. Rather we were forced to watch the horror of our leader espousing misguided, disproved theories to disbelieving peers. Once again. All of whom stood with heads above their asses, while they watched you assume the ostrich position. Head planted firmly within a hole.
Then to top it off, after you've wagged your finger at your peers admonishing them to stay the course of the doomed ship "USS Morality", your own Secret Service team members were availing themselves of prostitutes. Without paying them. Tell me, doesn't that constitute sexual tourism? On the passport application we all fill out they specifically call out sex tourists and drug offenders.
So Barry, how does it feel to have sex tourists travelling as part of your protection detail?
Under the cover of diplomatic immunity?
All the while you tell your cohorts that the moral war of America's choosing goes on regardless of the suffering inflicted on their people.
Disgrace indeed.
Political Cartoon Sourced from: http://politicalhumor.about.com