Predictable: Actions taken, words spoken, both easily foretold by those paying attention.
Not Websters, but my own definition, relating entirely to the tactics employed by our leadership in the continuing character assasination of Michael Hastings.
Many remember Mr. Hastings and his article in Rolling Stone that brought down the career of General Stanley Mc Chrystal.
How after meeting with a person of interest in his continuing reporting on the War of Terror, his new Mercedes roadster accelerated on the streets of Hancock Park, L.A. into a tree during an early a.m. single car "accident"...Of course L.A.s Coroner found drugs in the toxicology report, that was a pre-ordained given. No alcohol, but they did find medical marijuana and amphetamine.
I'm guessing the speed inspired him to drive his car as fast as possible into the tree?
Just to see how fast he could get there?
Or he was so despondent over his notoriety, PTSD, and the medical MJ he decided to end it?
If it were not so ominous a warning against those who dig to deep; it would be almost laughable in the way it mirrors the old Soviet system of "death by accident", while simultaneously destroying the dead persons public image with tales of drunken drug fueled debauchery.
Really, don't you think that well has run dry?
How gullible are we?
Rest in Peace Michael Hastings, rest in peace.