Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Immigration Reform: Welfare for Defense Contractors

Is it just me or is history repeating itself?? Source: Google Images
With our decade long War of Terror on the world slowly winding down; we now find ourselves with a very troublesome quandary.

Question: How does a nation ween itself from an economy heavily weighted towards the waging of war, and the production and export of war material?

Answer: We don't.

We take those weapons, sensors, and manpower and use them to militarize one of our two peaceful borders.
Why? Two reasons; first we have to satisfy the governments' manufactured xenophobia permeating the old angry white people among us, who simply fear people with brown skin.
Second, and perhaps even more insidious; we have an economy based on building and using tools of destruction.
If our nation is not involved in a war directly, our proxies provide a ready market for some of our excess capacity.

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Source: Google Images
But here's the rub, with so many of us drawing our incomes from government and the industry of war, it becomes political and economic suicide to reduce spending in these sectors.
Naturally the solution is to use these tools at home in new "Wars of Paranoia" by building a larger, more obtrusive Big Brother State.
Witness the IRS training agents to use AR-15 assault rifles, Department of Homeland Security buying all the hollow point ammo they can get their hands on.
Let's all sign up today!
Source: Google Images
Department of Homeland reminiscent of the German Gestapo protecting the Fatherland.

Can we get more Orwellian?

What happens after we have "secured" the border with Mexico; Boeing, Lockheed et al, will still need more war work to satisfy their millionaire and billionaire shareholders.
Does Mexico then become a "legitimate" target for drone strikes under the ruse of providing safe haven to the drug cartels we created?
When will Barry or one of his successors apply the use of "signature" strikes to the "War on Drugs"?
Have we already crossed that line Barry?
Considering we operate freely around the globe, I have no reason to believe otherwise.

Holy crow! The Canadians are coming!
Will we then militarize our border with Canada?
Under what guise?
Imminent invasion of the Canucks?

In reality, these expenditures are not about keeping the Mexicans out, it's about keeping US in line.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tragic Accident or Assassination?

Author/reporter Michael Hastings 1980-2013. Died suspiciously just hours after an email warning to colleagues of Feds investigating journalistic practices. Source: Google images
Today we all received the news about the untimely death of journalist Michael Hastings.
I guess I could have used all kinds of adjectives in that first line describing, shock, surprise, amazement that a life so young was snuffed in it's prime...
In reality, I'm not surprised at all.
Neither should anyone be surprised who's paying attention to the U.S of King Barry.

People are dying all over the planet in Barry's War of Terror.
Yeah, Barry's War of Terror.
Barry is the Terror.
Constitutional Law Professor Barry.
Barry the President, making his own rules in such a way, that Dickless Cheney's salivating like a pit bull on a side of raw beef.
Barry who OK's the killing of US citizens without due process.
Then kills their kids.

Michael Hastings, the journalist who wrote the article in Rolling Stone that killed General Stanley Mc Chrystal's career, was also killed.
In a single car crash in Hancock Park, Los Angeles.
Is that perhaps the first single car fatality in Hancock Park's history?
If you're not familiar with the area, Hancock Park is probably the most expensive part of the City Of Angels proper.
Nice wide, well lit streets, clean smooth pavement.

Healthy 33 year olds who can drive, don't just die in single car wrecks in Hancock Park.
In my experience the only cars that catch fire after hitting trees in quiet residential neighborhoods are Ford Pinto's.
Or they've been rigged to burn by someone ensuring death.

Pretty sure Mr. Hastings was not driving a Pinto.
Michael Hastings' Mercedes
Source: Google Images